Superchunk more than Pavement is the band that sticks with me from those early days of adulthood, broken from a broken home, broke, sleeping on floors, living in rooming houses, getting so drunk you think you see your liver floating in the toilet, scraping up change for a slice of pizza or a 40 of malt liquor, stoned in thrift store shirts and corduroy pants, i remember going to the Graffiti to see them in 95 literally giddy with anticipation, dreadlocks and green cords on some cold March night, lived a block from the club, drunk off my ass...
Fucking magic. I jumped around so much i ripped my pants, had a request to tame my hair cuz it kept slapping people in the face, kept receiving threatening looks from Jim Wilbur the guitar player and generally just fucking enjoyed living for an hour or two. Mac the singer/guitarist/songwriter may be one of the most underrated lyricists of my generation and i give the guy credit for going on and starting his own label and doing it more for the music than the money, more punk rawk than most punk rockers, so as i sat and streamed a bit of the album i was amazed at just how much i loved this band, how much his lyrics captured what i felt then but couldn't describe and how much he describes now the way i feel, i grew up with these guys from my 20's and into my 30's and it's good to have friends who stick around that long, ones you haven't seen in awhile but always a pleasure when you do.
Can't go wrong with any of their albums, just two guitars blazing with bass and drums, no gimmicks just good songs, the title of this post is one of the first slow songs they ever did and it still rocks, i would challenge anyone to keep their leg from bouncing during Precision Auto and as i've documented they sang the anthem of my wasted youth Slack Motherfucker, as the girl said to me that night in 95, "i like Mac cuz when he sings it looks like he means it, like he cares" and she was right, i once followed him into the bathroom at CMU where they were playing a free show just to say hi and though i'm roughly a foot taller than him and freaked him out for a second with a comment about a certain scene from Deliverance he was the nicest fucking guy in the world, basically i just thanked him, the songs reminding me how far i've come and how i've really not gone anywhere at all.
Loved these guys so much, and they still get a spin anytime I wanna booster shot! "On the Mouth" is my personal fav...and one of these days when I learn how to play drums (the real kind...not the air kind which I'm OK at), Precision Auto will be the first tune I learn...if that's possible for someone who's never played an instrument :)
Wurster kicks ass, and is still one of my favorite drummers on the planet. Got to meet him when he was backing Pollard, and the dude is incredibly cool. Ditto on Mac...another swell chap. Glad he came through the Burgh with Portastatic a couple years ago. I think there was about 30 people at the Warhol to see them. Intimate good times, but I felt bad there was no one there.
I met the superfuckingcool Jon Wurster at the Cat's Cradle in i think 97, drove down to see the Chunk and go to the beach, gushed like a fanboy as he sat on the steps after the show and when i told him i had come from Pittsburgh he turned back and handed me a beer, great fucking guy to say the least and one kick ass drummer.
I used to have a pair of green cords :-)
When are you going to come back to NC so we can go see them together again? There's still plenty of talent rolling through the Cradle on a regular basis my friend!
Holy shit, is that a AF sighting, what's up brother? email me you gorgeous bastard.
It sure is me brother man! i'll try to hit you up on the last email address I have for you but if I don't get you then email me at: first.last@gmail.com
I see the 'chunk are comfy and young enough not to worry about pee stains on their immaculate white strides.
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