I'd also like to comment on just how successful you can be and still smoke pot. Exhibit A - Santonio Holmes, Super Bowl MVP and recently busted with a whole bunch of blunts. Exhibit B- why of course it's Michael Phelps pulling tubes and winning 8 gold medals and if you've ever dated or hung out with swimmers you know they like to party like rock stars...
And of course don't fret kids my spidey sense is tingling and i think i feel another China Millman post coming on, maybe i'll delve into what an unethical cunt she is or maybe i'll explore her new restaurant rating system and what a smug snot the little Ivy league shithead is...
And speaking of twats i found a blog where they rate and review other blogs, if you ever want to see a bunch of dipshits trump themselves up like the end all be all of Critics it's this place, smug cunts doesn't even do them justice but i'm a bit waxed and my back is fucking killing me and i've been eating to many sweeties and i would really just like to sleep...
Recommended listening from the lost classic dept. The Webb Brothers - Maroon. Not much for their other albums but this one's a blinder. Also would like to recommend the new Lambchop album Oh(io), classic Chop in the white country soul vein, good shit.
i'm a Bungles fan... reformed... and still found myself cheering for the Steelers.
i like that they had a 2 hour school delay on Monday!
2 hour delay Monday and a lot of schools closed Tuesday, some 300,000 people showed up for the parade, luckily it went right by where i work so i had a great view and remained on the clock, yeah stick it to the man every chance i get, of course about 90% of my co-workers were out there too.
ART MODELL for president!!!!
The only way Cleveland will see the Super bowl is on TV!
(Sorry Lar, had to be done)
dammn you Hassler, in pre-historic times Cleveland won 5 NFL titles, yeah i know it doesn't count cuz it's not the stuper bowl but hey you gotta start somewhere... at least you won't have to buy Penguins play-off tickets this year, though i admit i'm bummed about that, gives me an excuse to go to the bar when the girl watches horrible telly... hoping the Mozzer changes the words from his new single to I'm Throwing my Arms Around Pittsburgh when he plays here, the indie rock cognescenti at Pitchfork rated the new record 8.1 and recommended it, go on Mozzer.
what's the review sight? Is it "Ask and Ye Shall Fucking Receive"?
They hated me
good guess Nursie, there will be more on this soon as i continue my skewering of douchebags.
You really do cheer me up you know?
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