This is not the post i wanted to open the year with but it's cold and i'm lazy and i like to drink to much, but this was some sad news, time to break out Funhouse and listen to how influential and ground breaking Ron Asheton was, of course feel free to break out the first album as well and listen to the raw ripping sounds of I wanna be your dog but for me it's Funhouse and that was definitely Ron's album. The Stooges were like the primordial ooze of rock and roll, they were what it was all about, sex, drugs, scaring the shit out of the powers that be, raise a glass to the passing of a great musician.
I had to wikipedia him. they say he was listed 29/100 greatest guitarists of all time. Sad he died so young and alone - The Stooges were a great band
Have a read of this Nursey. It's great.
ok, I'll check the library.....
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