Two things going on here, The Revolution over at the Toxic Towers and the Hard-Ons in the lounge, at the Big World Bank Machine today a bunch of hippies and old ladies held a peaceful protest about the whole mortgage crisis but the real crisis was the havoc they created at the BWBM, where every available rent-a-cop popped a boner thinking he might get to draw his gun or use his billy club, then we sent out the sleazy whore V.P. to do a little p.r., this woman can barely make a coherent statement and i really wanted to follow her outside and see what kind of idiocy was going to flow from her piehole, meanwhile the rent-a-cops all stood at the window and salivated like little doggies with a steak being dangled in front of them, except of course for Head Rental who went with Sleazy Veep in case things turned ugly, i on the other hand took a piss and went back to my hiding spot to sleep away the rest of my work day, luckily no protesters were harmed in the writing of this post.
1 comment:
Let's go fucking mental! Let's go fucking mental! La, la, la, la...
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