Alright, so i sat listening to Joy Division, smoking my morning tea and drinking coffee and like most stoners i have these profound thoughts, like saving the whales or imagining there's no heaven i mean it's easy if you try, so i sat and it drizzled in the pre-dawn industrial nightmare and i watched the smoke exit my lungs and evaporate into the air, and you know it struck me kinda funny how these days everyone is running around being "nice" to each other, cuz you know it's x-mas man and people like to be nice to each other and shit, i myself could give a fuck about x-mas and not in the bah humbug sense, i love the lights and i especially like sitting in bars with x-mas lights, i like sitting in bars with x-mas lights and watching it snow or be cold and shitty and i'm in a toasty pub with a corner seat that faces the street and shit if life ain't grand then, but do you think the general population gets it? hmmm, i wonder, they smile and hold doors and office politics is put hold and petty grievances are forgotten all until Jan. 1 or 2 of the next year and then it's back to being the miserable fucks that populate the planet and shoot each other and fuck i'm starting to sound like a damn hippy or something but the point is what if we all just kept being "nice" to each other, for like the whole fucking year, no shit, like actually considerate of one another, novel idea eh? i mean isn't that what the Jesus wanted us to do anyway? i think he'd be highly sceptical of a society that one, fucked up his birthday, he was born in the spring and two, turned it into some sort of ritual orgy for consumption, of course i didn't sit on some Mediterranean island eating hallucinogenic mushrooms and writing gospels either but i'm just taking a stab at it you know... so in the words of Bill and Ted, Be Excellent to Each Other, cuz really that whats ole Jeebus would want.
Now my gift to you... as seen as Pitchforkmedia's #1Video and on Youtube... seek out the Wrong Trousers and enjoy the most beautiful version of "Video Killed the Radio Star"www.pitchforkmedia.com
ah shit, I'm all thumbs today; didn't quite catch your excellent drift. In the future we all will live on Boscov's Blvd and that will be that.
This makes me happy and less hungover.
This makes me happy and less hungover.
This makes me happy and less hungover.
I don't know what it's like in Hamerica, but over here in En-ger-land people stop taking work seriously too around this time of year. Oh, take the afternoon off. Work from home. Etc. And NOTHING bad happens! Let's just all stop working and see what happens. My bet is... nothing! It's all a ruddy great jip!
And let's stop buying stuff too. And voting. And stay in bed and grow "hair peace".
I've just been told by one of my students that I smell of booze. It's 11am.
yeah you do. and you did last night too whilst drinking
As a wise man once said, "Stop being an asshole, you asshole!"
Sounds like a Unified Scene . . .
My upcoming week is a mess, let's have drinks next week.
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