Shit man i'm tired, hence the lack of anything really of the original variety in this space, oh i got things kicking around this fucked up little brain of mine but lately i've been to busy shovelling snow and pushing cars and wandering cold, icy streets to do anything of consequence, see i like to write sober and lately i ain't been much of that, now remember kids sober doesn't mean not boozing cuz there are all kinds of substances that will quickly eliminate said sobriety and since i'm damn near 6'5 with short hamstrings (a doctor told me this) my back is always fucking aching and nothing says i love you like a couple of painkillers and a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and the weird waking dreams of the opium eater, then today of course i read some Dr. Suess, The Lorax specifically and decided there is no use writing shit for now cuz it will all pale in comparison to Teddy G., the man was a fucking genius don't you know, show me your Hemingway and Miller and Celine and Bukowski and i'll show you a guy who shreds them all in under 30 pages with fucking pictures to boot and since i definitely exhibit a lack of talent and ambition these days i'm taking to laying in bed and staring at the ceiling, petting my good friend Louie the cat and replenishing my heart and guts cuz though i lack talent and ambition i got heart and guts in spades, yes don't get into a heart and guts contest with me cuz i'm a bad motherfucker, i'll put you to bed, talent and ambition, you definitely win, i can barely spell those words, so now we come to the payoff, your chance to vote on what's coming next, both of you, and if no one votes i'll decide myself...
choice A) Part deux of the Wilderness Years How I Learned to Read
Choice b) The Wilderness Years - Idiot Lessons aka Never buy weed from Junkies
choice C) Another heart wrenching installment of Late Night Maudlin Street
choice d) All of the above
Choice E) None of the above
dude, how am i not going to go for maudlin street?
i thought you knew me
you know i'm partial to any installment of 'the wilderness years', but i'll take whatever you feel compelled to hoark up...
and yes, Mr. Geisel was a fucking genius...
Any and all of the above, please!!
a three way tie so far, might have to just go with Joe and do 'em all but we'll see... Peau, i don't know if you've read the first Late Night Maudlin St. also listed under Revisionist History but if you'd like it's in May 2009, then you'll know what you're getting into.
Daisy- I'm starting to think the Lorax may be the most important piece of literature written in the 20th Century, brilliant for so many reasons.
omakase - it's up to you
I'll go with "d" all of the above.
Genius he may have been but no one beats Bukowski in my book
Anything about tripping and strippers?
Where's the review of American Idol you've been promising?
fuck it. D wins but Gulfboot gets his first. Though what would i really know about strippers and tripping?
Hey Myra! Hank was king of the stink in LA. And he loved to blame the "fags and the left wing" for their grip on poetry but it was their misplaced love of being spanked that kept that old fool in business. I could write about how sad I am forever but it won't pay my bills. Cat in the hat for me.
Buying Weed from Junkies, please.
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