Fucking hell, sometimes they drop like flies, Jay took a lot of shit for his name but anyone who grew up going to punk and hardcore shows know his name was pretty tame, Jay himself was a hell raiser and a bit of a dick but the boy could crank out kick ass garage rock tunes like a mofo, i highly recommend his singles albums, compiled after he released all the songs as double A side 7 inches, yes vinyl kids, Jay fucking dug it and being a bit of a music geek i gotta give him respect for that, needless to say i had a ticket to see him at a tiny, little place in the burgh once referenced in a post about carpetbagging hipster's, a non-smoking vegan joint that is usually closed Mondays but which i will say is bringing in good up and coming bands, it was a Monday and it was cold and i'm fucking old and have a couple of bairns so i ate the 12 bucks and didn't go, the local music critic named it as one of his top ten shows of the year and said Jay was a snarling, punk hit machine. Dead at 29. I'm guessing it wasn't natural causes. Some of us can live the rock and roll lifestyle and when we come out the other side we're just glad to be breathing. Some don't make it. Rock on.
i'll do some video surfing this weekend to check him out. i'm still cranky because Michael Hedges died so young...
always sad when someone dies young.....
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