After a hard week of grafting both on and off the job it was a pleasant surprise to sit down and find my favorite movie was playing for the billionth time on the telly, yes i can recite practically every line to Jaws and lately i've been growing my sideburns out to resemble Capt. Quint's, just for shit's and giggles of course but if you put a baseball cap on my head and if i got a bit more sun i could be the son of Quint at the very least...
and so as i sat on my couch watching the flick it occurred to me that while most of the non-sense spewed about the film was about the whole Moby Dick v. Captain Ahab thing with Chief Brody being Queequo or whatever the fucking mates name was, it wasn't really about that at all, in fact it had nothing to do with the shark really and more to do with commerce and the guvment's lack of concern for it's faithful citizens, if you recall it was Mayor Larry who refused to close the beaches while the faithfully appointed public servant (the chief) lobbied desperately to close them out of concern for the public, tsk tsk silly chief don't you know that business owners depended on the feeding ground being open and that Mayor Larry's livelihood as mayor depended on the support of said business owners, if the shark's hungry well let him eat he's really only chewing up a small percentage of the spending cash and should be a boon to the mortuary and it's related industries located on Amity Island, the public really never comes into play but like any good democracy is left to fend for themselves and decide if they'd like to test the waters or not, safety is not the guvment's concern the guvment's concern lies with the captains of the sno-cone, beach umbrella and hot dog industry...
the metaphor seems to be easily applied to the American public in general in the fact that while the guvment supposedly works for us they really could give two shits whether we get munched by the shark or not just so long as whatever capital we have left is passed on or better yet absorbed by shady guvment to be dealt back out to the captain's of industry with the best lobbyists, may i cite cancer causing plastics, red dye #5 i believe, fast food, mad cow, fossil fuels, fossil fuel plants which pump tons of shit into the air, abstinence only sex-ed and for a million more examples look online or in the newspaper at the number of recalls each week and then refer to Fight Club about what makes a company recall a product, basically they'll get sued for more than it's worth to fix the defect, then note how many are children's toys cuz we're all about the kids in the you ass of eh and then remember the kid on the raft who becomes lunch on a crowded beach...
for fun you could take it a step further and examine U-azz foreign policy in relation to the massive hunt for the shark, see Bin Hidin and I-rack, where a bunch of yahoo's, see Blackwater, flood the waters with shotguns, dynamite, steel nets in order to catch a big fish and win a cash prize but right now i'm to tired for that.
dude, i lost my phone, and need your number. email me sweetjumps@hotmail.com
I'd be tired too if I spent time thinking about the way the government fucks us over.
sleep tight tonight :-)
I can dig it! Although I always thought it was about Vietnam. Can't remember why.
Wasn't the cat in Moby Dick called Starbucks?
so, you're going to end up like Quint? last look at you will be as flesh-nuggets stuck to the teeth of the shark?
bummer, dude...
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