The Rust Belt has crusaders and i don't mean caped ones played by Michael Keaton either, i mean good old fashioned crusaders, sent by THE Lord to save us from ourselves, and the main crusader happens to be a U.S. attorney by the name of Mary Beth Buchanan and she wants to save us from not only ourselves but that pesky 1st and 4th amendment thing, granted she doesn't have a problem with the 2nd cuz carrying a gun in Merka is god-given right dammit and you can pry my semi-automatic uzi with a 27 shot clip from my cold, dead hand because i have the right to defend myself and hunt deer or something like that, no good old Mary Beth who got famous for prosecuting Tommy Chong for selling bongs over the internet is now going after bigger fish... Thought Crimes.
Appears some woman in the Pittsburgh area had a website where she wrote FICTION, yes that stuff that isn't true, you know, it's like made up and tells a story, said woman was molested and abused and started writing fiction as therapy, apparently the fiction depicted graphic scenes of violence and sexual abuse of children, could definitely be classified as pretty hardcore stuff but the website where it was posted had a disclaimer specifying that it was fiction, you had to be 18 to enter and apparently the lady got so many hits that for a fee you could buy her new stories, i mean it couldn't of been any more harmful than say that t.v. show Kid Nation, and from what i've read it seemed to attract other victims of abuse who shared their experiences and what not, now i can see how this might attract some rather sick fucks but that's not the point, the point is the woman in now being prosecuted in Federal court for writing fiction, she was found guilty of nothing other than writing stories that apparently the Feds didn't like, did i mention that this shit was FICTION, meaning free speech as you and i know it is going on trial early next year, in America, fucking land of the free, home of the brave, just so happens i'm re-reading Naked Lunch and damn if that little book wasn't put on trial for obscenity some 50 odd years ago cuz we all know that if you let us read about drug addicts, homosexuals, crooked doctors, mugwumps and the like that civilization as we know it will crumble and Jesus will abandon us and shit like that, at least 50 years on my gay friends don't have to hide who they are, crooked doctors are a hot commodity and drug addicts well they've pretty much remained constant in all cultures since cultures have been around, still as Chicken Hawks hunt down those who might do us harm they also feel the need to protect us from ourselves...
Did i mention that douchebag that appointed MB looses his job come January 08 and did i mention that Mary has been the focus of another little investigation due to the fact that of the public officials she's prosecuted 80% have been Democrats and 20% have been of her own party, hmmm, anyone else see a disparity in that number cuz apparently Mary Beth thought it was just about right though a number of researchers and scholars in the legal field believe she may be singling out a certain group, in fact turns out she had a little meeting with an ex-attorney general about getting rid of the dead weight aka judges who happened to be impartial...
MB also hates porn and is prosecuting a porno outfit for making violent porno flicks cuz apparently dope, guns and fucking is not good wholesome family entertainment, one wonders if she watches the tube or attends moviesand i won't get into the whole porn debate and how it treats woman cuz she's not worried about say a little thing like human rights she's worried about dope, guns and fucking cuz that could bring this nation crashing down, gangsta rappers beware, Dr. Suess look out, the Thought Police are coming and they're not fucking around cuz i do believe Ice-T said it best kids, "freedom of speech/ just watch what you say."
Where would we be without them?
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