I haven't' been sleeping enough at work, for some reason i've been staying awake, could have to do with the books i've been reading there lately, could have to do with actually doing some work, what i love is when people who don't actually do the manual labor part of a job make you do things two-three-four times, i move alot of furniture, i set up the conferences you attend, now the BWBM pays some dimwit to coordinate this job but she will freely admit that it falls on me, so she gets paid for the job i do, shit, i must be a moron, in fact i know i am but at least the gig provides this post modern light bulb changer with the all important insurance so he can take care of the imaginary boy...
speaking of which i've pretty much given up the battle over sick time, i find it funny that in the land of family values the thing the corporation that "cares so much about the individual" and "is one of the best places to work" cares least about is kids, kids make you a liability, you could miss valuable time in the pushing of paper and the attending of meetings where a room full of people you hate grovel and bite and growl and stab and grab for the attention of the all powerful Assistant V.P. of Fuck-All, see America is really good with theories, we like the idea of children i mean they're the future dammit, we love kids just so long as they don't interfere with work cuz godammit we need to keep the shareholders happy, we need to streamline, think outside the box, we need "operational excellence", leadership in thought and blah blah bliggity blah, so just make sure that kid of yours doesn't get sick in daycare with all the other kids, hmmm sound a bit like pissing in the wind to me, i don't get why that if you have a doctor sign off and supply a bit of information that you can't receive, and here comes the shocker, UNPAID time off to take care of your child, i mean fuck it's really not costing anything except for the all important man hours lost but i find the middle and uppers managers of the world, the HR types all think that the little wife is sitting at home cooking dinner and knitting booties cuz it's all fucking Ozzie and Harriet right, who needs two incomes to survive in this day and age?
I guess in the meat and potatoes rust belt in which i live we still think of dad working in the mills or the GM plant, going to school to become an accountant, mom at home baking cookies and ironing shirts but those of us who live in reality know that's a crock of shit, a piece of the American Dream we're supposed to blindly believe in, those days don't exist anymore, in fact we all have to work and the children are left to raise themselves with a little help from harried parents, and so i drain coffee and lose my train of thought, damn spliffs hiding in basement medicine cabinets will burn you every time and somewhere between here and my walk to the mailbox and the thoughts became a jumble, the puzzle lost a few pieces...
i stopped for smokes and drank coffee and had a conversation with the clerk at the mini-mart about the pitfalls of sleeping pills and booze, i don't know the guy really other than i see him alot cuz i spend alot of time in the fluorescent lights of min-marts staring at candy bars and little bags of chips, we discussed how you need to crush or break the pill to bust up that darn time release aspect of whatever it was he took, laughed about the lethargy felt the next day when you feel as if your limbs are made out of cement, debated the merits of being stoned in the supermarket and what not, so it all comes apart and jumbles bumbles stumbles to a confusing stop.
Accounting......highly over-rated. ;-)
in my weaker moments i often dream of having my employer pay my way through another few years of school to get my accounting degree, i know it sounds insane but i used to have this job where i worked with a lot of numbers and money and fractions and mistakes were pretty much verboten... and strangely enough i've enjoyed every accounting class i've ever taken, but then again i may be a special case, lol.
What could that job have possibly been, hmmm? Post Modern bean counter?
i worked in a coffee shop or something
Doesn't seem all that insane to me. I took my English degree....and went right back to school for a post-bacc in Acctg. Fifteen tax seasons later...be afraid...be very afraid.
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