Yes kids the time now is near, 48 hours from now i'll be entering the theatre, ordering expensive drinks, ingesting secret stashes, smoking cigarettes and looking aloof along with 3000 other pilgrims. See for me this is the closest i may ever get to a religious experience, a pilgrimage of sorts, to my hometown to see a man i've listened to for the last 20 odd years, in the Smiths and as a solo artist, i remember being a sixteen year old kid with a Bernard Sumner fade standing in a mall, ill with a fever and buying Louder Than Bombs, is it the record that changed my life? i don't know, so many records have, there are songs that bring back memories of glorious days and songs that break my heart, i'm not going to sit here and preach the same bullshit about how i could relate to the man as per every other fan, it's just that the band or the solo artist has been with me most of my life, driving to work, in bars, at parties, sitting on stoops drinking PBR, locked in my room stoned and staring out the window, so i will travel with my grey beard and sit alone and watch and sing and drink and smile, so don't be jealous, some of us just have impeccable taste...
and to all my lovely mates who've referred to me as a derogatory term for the homosexual male i say, read a fucking book or something, put down the Xbox controller, your idea of good art is Andy Warhol or Burton Morris, your taste is in your ass, you fuckers know i love you and yes in that way, like Morrissey to Marr, so make sure you don't pass out around me or i'll turn you into the powerbottom just for kicks. I'll post the set list when i get back from the show if i can remember. Cheers.
If your gonna come out of the closet its fine, we'll surport either way.
Have fun at the gig and please, please stop being an ashole you fucking ashole!
Well some girls are bigger than others, and brother you is a big man and as a girl, well, I'd rather not think about that.
Somebody please get Woody a spell checker for xmas, he's just echoing my comment about his gay wedding dream that i left on his comment list, poor boy, original thinking never was his thing was it.
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