It was another happy Thursday meeting at the Big World Bank Machine, a rather uneventful one, it's interesting to watch the amount of grovelling as people attempt to gain employment at the district office, my supe being one of them, the big boss being another, not that the upper management types have much to worry about as they, like most upper management types, come equipped with that thing called a golden parachute, seems many of them have already found gainful employment while the rank and file are left to suck it, even the HR dept. has gotten cheeky and started posting dish washing jobs in the hallway that looks like an old telephone polled, plastered with flyer's about job opportunities, as for me i'm like the violin player on that fateful ship, destined to ride it out til the very end, when i'll turn to my cohorts and say, ladies and gentleman, i'd like to say it's been an honor but really it's been more of a laugh, a sick fucking joke and i'm quite glad i didn't really take it all that seriously...
So they call meetings and hand out notices and my dept. still kind of hangs in limbo but we know it's coming sooner or later, probably later at this point cuz they need someone to turn off the lights and lock up, for my part i've dialed down actual work to under two hours a day, not that there's much to do anyway, the free time has helped me read most of the Ballard short stories and i think i'm averaging somewhere around 3 hours of sleep per day, i'm beginning to take advantage of the gym as i prepare for the over 30 football (soccer) league that begins next spring, yes next spring cuz most of us need that much time to get into some kind of shape, i for one have already volunteered to play goalkeeper cuz one- it cuts down on the pounding on my creaky knees and back and two- i'm just the kind of fucking mental case that would make a good keeper, big and rangy and good with my hands, i'll leave all the real work to the guys who've played before and since most people want the glory of scoring goals i'll be more than happy to stop shots and talk shit, besides then i get my own special colored jersey and a sweet pair of gloves but back at the Big World Bank Machine things plod along and it's good to see some of the more decent people actually finding jobs and getting of the ship before the water is up to are asses...
As for me i'm going to take advantage of the free money they hand out if you wait until the end, a nice severance package, possible retention bonus and 5K to use toward school/training, of which i will use mine to attend bartending school cuz i want to know the proper way to mix my absinthe, that and i've always been told i'd make a great bartender, not that i think my little certificate will get me a job but then again it just might, i've often been offered jobs as the doorman/bouncer at a few of my local hangouts but i'd rather go all Brian Flanagan and throw bottles around (not really)... that's about it for now, i've got all these things i'd like to write but i've been a bit lazy and tonight i bit off a bit more than i could chew from the boys at Big Pharma and lounged about on the couch to long to start anything really productive. So i'll see you at the far post.
Hey, hey... there's a lot of glory in being the goalie you know? I watch a lot of football/soccer (my son plays too much) and you can become quite the archetype between those goalposts making heroic saves. It takes a lot of guts to be in the net.
In the day, we played the sport in backyards. I often played in the goal and have scars where the sun don't shine to prove it. Boys like checking girls into the bushes. ;)
i'm pretty sure there is a bartending job in my future. can't think of anything better than smearing greasy rags on glassware at your side!
I would looove to have you mix me some drinks!
You wouldn't believe the insanity I witnessed/ was a part of this weekend. Seriously... NUTS.
I was a goalie. I sucked at it.
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