The Flaming Lips were good, nothing great, the crowd was soft in the heat and old maniacs like me like to hang towards the back in order to smoke our joints in peace and have easy access to the beer stand and pissers, but this is the key, even though the band was tight and the show decent, you go to this place for transcendent moments and though they played some great songs i advise everyone to pay the 40 bucks for just one, Do You Realize? is the Imagine for anyone born after 1970, for anyone who grew up watching the same 10 videos on MTV, I watched fat girls scream and hug, i watched hipsters scream and hug, i watched asshole jocks scream and hug and while i sat there under the stars and my city's lights i understood that this was not a bad thing, with Wayne Coyne's voice shot and raspy, the kids and adults were hugging and sharing a moment and if you looked real close you might have seen some tall cat standing alone and staring at technology and if you looked really really close you would have seen that he was staring at pictures of his boys and getting misty eyed cuz thats what old ex-bad asses do at times like these and if you looked in his head on the ride home you'd know that he's lived his life inside many 3 minute indie rock pop songs and that this to him was not a bad thing, in fact it kept him doing shit like this (typing) and that even that on a night when many people told him how great it was he knew that it wasn't and it was all at once but he also knew to keep his mouth shut and let these people have their moment of transcendent bliss, because we all deserve that shit, really we do...
becasue i'm a moron who can't format the first sentence reads, The Flaming Lips were good, not great...
wayne's voice seems to have always been a bit raspy, but i'd cry like a stinkin' baby, and hug every fat girl and stoner and especially the tall, hairy cat in the back, looking at the pictures of his kids.
oh, and i was born in 1962...
Hell yeah I want my moment. I'd call it a great show, but I'm easy to please.
Standing there, for that show, on that night with my wife and 1st son in utero was pretty sweet.
I must admit that I shed a tear during Do you realize?
But I also shed one for Pompeii am Götterdämmerung. Which makes me think I'm not that far from crazy.
Maybe I'm just a big pussy.
I'm fine with either one.
Daisy - i know what you mean but tuesday he was struggling, you could hear the strain especially on the less distorted stuff.
Ross- i was looking for you guys after i got more beer and had a smoke/toke but couldn't find you, saw KS had moved up and figured you two might have found a seat, i'd have liked to see you getting all misty during Do You Realize? you deserve it man, congrats again, as for the set it's growing on me and Pompeii might have been my highlight but i'm still bummed no Soft Bulletin, A Spoonful Weighs a Ton or Race for the Prize would have been perfect.
The image of Otter in Animal House pointing to himself and disbelievingly mouthing "not great?" springs to mind.
I'm playing Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell as we speak... err... as I type
I had something important and very indie to add about the Flaming Lips, but gulfboot's comment made me laugh and I have ADD.
Oh man, they came to Mythaca a few months back and some asshole told me he had an extra ticket, then he said actually I could still have the ticket but he planned to spend the show walking around by himself and being all high so I would be on my own, so I didn't go. Wish I had been there.
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