I'm the best fucking tired i've been in a long time right now, basically cuz i spent last night and all day swimming and climbing and riding rides and chasing Kid A and Kid B all over the place, yes i went to an amusement park, something i haven't done since i was a kid, went and did like a dad thing and i'll admit right now i was excited before we even got there, because i wanted to see what was going to happen when the little yard apes got there shit on and man was it fun, i found myself smiling for no apparent reason, me, the miserable bastard, smiling, watching Kid A climb pirate rope thingys and Kid B riding in a little motorboat grinning from ear to ear and waving every time he passed his Ma and Da, fucking brilliant, absolutely fucking brilliant...
and it sorta dawned on me on the way back that maybe these two little dudes are teaching their old man alot more than he is teaching them, reminding him of the joy that is living and i'm convinced you don't have to be a kid to see it, it's just that sometimes we adults are so up our own asses that we don't realize that it's all fucking gravy man, i know that i shoulda been dead enough times to realize that nothings really gonna break my ass anymore, no women or drugs or mental illnesses, sure i still have to dabble in all of them, you know the human condition and all that shit but in the back of my mind i know the sun is gonna rise and i'm going to read and write and hang with Kid A and Kid B and really what else is there to worry about? and you see once there was a time when i was just about the biggest, most selfish prick on the planet, a walking fucking asshole concerned only with his pleasures and not much else and somewhere along the line these two little dudes taught me that i'm not that important and i mean that in a good way, it's when we stop thinking that the sun rotates around our glorious dirty asses that we actually start to learn and grow and though i may sound like a fucking hippy so be it, you either figure it out and get on with it or stagnate and shrivel up and it don't take fucking kids to figure it out it just helped in my dumb ass, i mean i used to talk about it alot i just didn't practice it a whole lot and it may be that freedom which has helped improve the strings of little words i toss off into the ether, though i'm sure not lately but you can read the archives for the interesting shit and humor me now but as i said i'm tired, good tired and i feel the need for a bowl of Lucky Charms and a good night's sleep. The Flaming Lips-tomorrow-outdoors-go listen to Do You Realize? and you'll understand this post even more... and here's hoping the cover either Sabbath or Floyd for shits and giggles.
spot on daddy-O!
you made me cry. damn it.
i remember feeling the mindless joy of a summer day, spent with the little spawn, giving me a glimpse into life that i'd forgotten about... they're older now, with their own shit on their own shoulders... but we had it, and i'll never forget it.
until i get dementia and start flinging poo from the front porch of a raisin ranch...
Twin- muchos gracias
Daisy- you're just an old softie now there ain't yah... i keep reminding myself this shit only happens once so enjoy it while i can.
Yeah, this is sort of the same post, isn't it? Except, you know, all sentimental and eloquent and shit. Nice one. I should come over here more often.
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