Short, quick and to the point, the World Cup is the greatest sporting event in the world... better than the Stanley Cup, Super Bowl, World Series and NBA championship combined, better than the Olympics and pro bowling and Nordic skiing... Why, you may ask? let me give you 3 quick reasons (maybe more)...
Switzerland-1 Spain-0
Slovenia-2 USA-2
Italy -1 New Zealand-1
Die Mannschafft-1 Serbia-2
and throw in the meltdown by the whole French Federation and you've got the best sporting event in the world. Toss in the fact that a good number of favorites will be playing there ass off just to get through come final day of their group. Fucking riveting. And my pick The Kurious Oranj are looking mighty swell.
Portugal 7 - North Korea 0.
I like it. It's hypnotic. It's like meditation with unexpected orgasm(s). As for TV, though, I watch the Univision broadcasts, even though I'm just pseudo-bilingual. I don't have cable. But after a goal, the ESPN and ABC guys are just crap (pants if you like). I prefer to hear:
"gol. GOLAZO... AZO...AZO...AZO...(drawn-out Spanish pronunciation of player's name.)" And repeat. It's one of the finest feelings there is, a luxury.
We'll let you know
you haven't posted today's game (usa vs algeria)
i watched the 1st half....sped to work...& caught the second half at my desk.
effing bril...!
Twin- it'll be up later tonight, i damn near had a nervous breakdown during that game.
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