Today is the first elimination game we face, win or draw and we have a chance, lose and it's lets have fun wednesday cuz that's it, another flame-out, to say the Slovenia worries me is and understatement, they are just the kind of team that gives us fits and our record is fucking abysmal against Eastern European teams, that said kick-off is 10am EST, which means i'll be sitting in a pub an hour from now drinking Butt-geyser, a brew i normally disdain but since they support US footie i'm taking one for the team dammit, before that i'm gonna score some bacon and eggs and cigarettes and maybe have a shot to calm the nerves, i feel like i want to vomit but that is where the joy lies, we tribe of American footie fans have called off work and re-arranged the schedule just so we can see this match, i've already cleaned my bathroom to burn off nervous energy, i'm pacing and jittery, this will either be a banner day, an okay we still got a chance day or god damn motherfucker cocksucker fire Bob Bradley kind of day. We'll know by lunch time.
And then we'll take a rest and watch Engerland wax Algeria. Now that the Engerland/Merka game is done we can go back to pulling for our friends across the pond and come next game we might be counting on them to do us a favor... so Eng-guh-land Eng-guh-land Eng-guh-land, here's hoping we see Crouch bust the Robot.
This morning I went to my bar at 7 am to watch ze Germans lose, because I have a number of German friends who are futball freaks, and it was very sad. I had to leave before the US game began, work and stuff. I did have bloody marys though, so I win.
I am not into soccer. But I AM into drinking and patriotism. So...there you go.
Rassles- Die Mannschaft sure did shit the bed but that ref was a bit of a clown as well... and congrats on the Blackhawks, i'd love to see a Blackhawks/Penguins final next year.
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