I think he really should be wearing a Nazi uniform cuz that's pretty much what he sounds like every time he opens his fucking yap, he is in a nutshell everything that's wrong with America, a complete fucking knob who thinks he's a genius and i can't wait till they bust into his house and well you know we've all seen the end of Donnie Darko right? That said i do believe he came up with the title for his book while staring in the mirror one morning, most likely arguing with himself.
Oh Glenn Beck! You so CRAZAY!!!
P.S. I've never seen Donnie Darko.
True. Story.
i like the backwards "R"... must be for "R"etard....
Ginny, i highly recommend that flick, though you being from Canada i suggest a little BC bud to enhance the viewing pleasure, the late Patrick Swayze does a brilliant turn as a slimy televangelist and Donnie gets a message to burn his house down, when he does they find a room filled with kiddie porn and he's carted off to jail, that's just one small part though so don't worry, it also has Jena Malone in it who i have a crush on and a kick ass soundtrack.
I don't know who Glenn Beck is but I LOVED Donnie Darko
Nursie imagine Rush Limbaugh or any other conservative wing nut who truly believes what he says is the truth even if the facts make it perfectly clear he's lying.
Glen Beck cries all the time. I like that in a Nazi.
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