It's all kinds of fun here in the burgh as the leaders of the Modern World descend on our little hamlet to discuss the State of Nations, I'm sure they'll be hitting certain nuevo hip bars and cantinas cuz the Gee-20 is all about progress, that said all the cool kids in the hippy buses have shown up as well and most likely camped out in a park near you and of course now starts the battle of the oppressors vs the oppressed, a running battle between cops chasing them around and the protesters shouting about harassment, some of which is well founded i'm sure and some of which is just a bunch of trustafarians bitching about how unfair the world is, for the record the world is unfair get fucking over it...
Of course as a man of the peeps i've always been one to give the man a big middle finger but these days it all seems a bit useless, somewhere in outer space the CEO's all meet and decide the fate of the universe ala Grand Moff Tarkin in the first Star Wars, shiny table, lots of leather, young children to eat, and the rest of us get to suck it, not to say that activism is useless i just think that in cases like the Gee-20 it is, it's a big dog and pony show, on one side world leaders who smile and eat lunch and on the other civil unrest that world leaders never see due to a small army of security between them and us commoners, and you know i don't mind the ones who march and chant and sing like Dr. King and Gandhi, they have the right to protest and i'm down with that, of course little shindigs like this also attract the fringe element as they like to call them and it's those kids who turn shit into a circus and make for action packed news hours, to each his own, as i get older i realize we're all fucked and though i worry about Kid A and Kid B i also realize i can really only control a small portion of the environment, basically the part i'm in...
that said i'm a bit puzzled why the members of Project Mayhem target certain corporations and not others, particularly Starbucks and Whole Foods, i understand that the founder of Whole Foods is a top notch knob but from what i know both company's pay a living wage and offer decent benefits, so why the beef kids? i'm sure there are reasons and i don't bother keeping up cuz lets face it every corporation is corrupt and so are some of the mom and pop joints too, it's human nature, for all light there is darkness or some such shit i just fail to understand why they wouldn't target Wal-Mart or AIG or some other such behemoth that sucks the life out of people, like i said i'm not all that well informed and really i don't care to be, basically i'm hoping the hippie campers stay out of the local park or if they do show up leave it better than what they found it, like i said i'm all for the right to protest even if i am to lazy to get off my fucking couch, basically i just don't give a shit anymore, the whole world's got an agenda and people like to shout and get all worked up and indignant over their point of view, i prefer to watch John Hughes flicks and analyze Morrissey lyrics, either way here comes the Ruckus.
Project Mayhem?
Ever read Fight Club? it's got something to do with that. Of course the first rule of Fight Club is we don't talk about Fight Club.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't care if they're trust funders or homeless, I respect people who stand up for what they believe, as long as they don't resort to far-fetched propaganda to do it.
I agree with you Rassles the problem lies in the fact that when asked most of them could not tell you what the G-20 really was about and the fact that a select group of "anarachists" ran around breaking windows thus robbing any legit protesters from getting any attention/news coverage, then said "anarachists" busted up a few local businesses which kind of defeats the purpose of bashing up the corporations, you lose much cred when you smash up the shit owned by Mom and Pop, even us lumpen proles don't dig that shit, uh oh i feel a post coming in the near future on the topic especially cuz i was right in the middle of it, literally, i live in the section of town that saw the most action and have pictures of humvees with sub machine guns and cops in riot gear on my lovely little street, as soon as i figure out how to get them off my phone i'll try to put them up.
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