I'd just like to thank all the new readers for all the kind words and for popping in and checking out one post and leaving their witty and intelligent commentary, i mean shit man the interweb is a place for the exchange of ideas and while i've enjoyed all the attention they've lavished upon me i thought i'd take this opportunity to thank them and maybe float some ideas that have formed in my little hipster, tourist, carpetbagging, yuppie scum brain...
I love the Rust Belt, the Detroit-Cleveland-Pittsburgh-Buffalo axis that was once the industrial center of this nation and is now crumbling and morphing into something different and while Jonathon Richman loved the old world i understand that we must move into the new, life-death-rebirth, it's obvious right kids? but the new mantra is look forward and fuck history, at least when discussing certain neighborhoods, i mean i'm glad every one cares so much about Lawrenceville, really i am, i'm still confounded by the fact that no one seems to want to accept the fact that gentrification will force some of these people into places like the Hill and Garfield where no one seems to be racing to buy up bars and open new businesses, oh wait scratch that cuz i can think of one, a certain chef who's willing to put his ass on the line and open a place in Garfield and yes a few smaller joints are up there but other than that? hmmm, what i don't understand though is how i'm the hipster when i'm making fun of hipster bars and yinz are the anti-hipsters who love them so much, oh i know we've all read our Derrida and Foucault but really kids i'm finding major holes in your deconstructionist arguments about my hipsterdom and your apparent lack thereof when i'm the douche on my mom's couch and you be the kids making the scene...
Still, i want these places to succeed for the people who invested the time and money in them though i do worry that in a city this size there are only so many cool kid consumers to go round even when none of us are cool kid consumers, comprende? After 15 years i can say (as a fucking carpetbagger of course) that most of Pittsburgh's problem was it's youth who couldn't wait to fuck off to hipper places like Chicago and New York when all they needed to do was open their fucking eyes and realize the gold mine that was in front of them, am i contradicting previous posts? maybe? but not really cuz all along i've stated a desire for success for owners and workers alike and all along i've stated it's the douche bags who sit in said places and talk about how great they are and yet still whine how lame this city is, for the record i fucking love it and have been having a good time since the first time i moved here in 93, and gasp i've seen the same sorta thing happen in Cleveland except the kids didn't whine as much and the made their own scene, invested time and money and rebuilt neighborhoods, pay close attention cuz i'm stating that's a good thing, i've spelled it out cuz i've read the posts that have won me such love and realize people make knee jerk reactions, usually to one sentence...
So while i noticed alot of the younger generation driving the place down i often found it interesting how the old timers talked it up and of course this is why i'm an ass cuz i respect the old timer and keep a wary eye on the kiddies, who whined and bitched about how lame it is and now whine and bitch if someone states that though the investment is great what's the fucking difference if it's all the same place with a different name? But really who cares what i think, i'm just a hipster with a blog. Of course all this non-sense is becoming tedious so i think i'll devote the next posts to examing Pynchon's Mason and Dixon, Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are or breaking down the problems with the US Men's National soccer team. Frank Bartles and Ed Jaymes thank you for your support.
i had to go back and re-read posts and comments to sort this out... seems the "my family has lived here longer, you'll never know as much as i do" anonymous dude is just doing some sabre rattling.
no idea why. he never understood your argument, apparently, that once a 'trendy' spash hits a neighborhood, there is a ripple - during and after the time when the hipsters come and go...
appreciate that you're trying to educate the uneducable, but it may be akin to teaching a pig to sing...
yeah Daisy it's getting a bit boring, they can't read and form a rational argument, apparently it's to hard to process that information in one post let alone two or three, they pick their spot and run, i can only be thankful for the serious and civil discourse that i've facilitated.
That said if you build 10 McDonalds on a street you have alot of places to eat even if they do all serve the same thing.
Is "New Pittsburgh" like "New Hampshire"? Cos Old Hampshire is very posh. Old York has a nice cathederal and Old Mexico is in quite a mess.
I like Old Pittsburgh. It has titty bars and good pizza.
awesome shit kono. as we are officially in the "slow season"...which makes no sense, since there are "taxes" to be calculated & filed every month...but i digress...
the past few posts... and all their comments.... a most excellent read. keep'em coming.
ps: fall surf on its way.
I hereby dub September the Official Month of the Asshole.
Shame we never got any advance warning...
Next you'll be tattooing your zip code on your body somewhere.....
NM, thanks, hope you take advantage of the time off and to quote the great Jeff Spicoli, catch some tasty waves.
Ginny, i hereby second that, though that should open me up to a myriad of comments about well me being an asshole, haha.
Nursie, brilliant idea but i might move and then what do i do? unless of course i tattoo all the zip codes i've lived in in this fair city cuz i do believe that would make me superfuckingcool.
of course you three may spoil me i'm not used to people being nice to me due to the fact i'm a self hating, yuppie carpetbagger frat boy hipster asshole. though i thank you nonetheless.
Gulfboot's genius as usual.
The biggest mark of a hipster is their frantic denial.
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