It's only taken me 12 odd years to warm up to this album but after a decade of slagging it off as shite, a decade of raving about the b-sides left off the album being infinitely better i'm here today to say i was wrong. This is a great Pavement album, at the time i think i was expecting something a bit different after the genius that was Wowee Zowee, something a bit more abrasive and abstract but as we all know those concepts can be a bit over-rated. Brighten the Corners has a definite surrealist bent to the lyrics as all Pavement albums do but it was the music that threw me, in hindsight i can say it is the sound of a band growing up and most likely growing apart, with the next album Terror Twilight being the swan song and now taking the place as my least favorite Pavement record and most likely the shittiest and the sound of the band coming apart. That said i apologize for all the arguments i've had over the years with people and for thinking their taste in music was rooted firmly in their ass for digging this album, it's quite brilliant more than a decade on and fits well in the canon and timeline of Pavement, for the uninitiated i recommend the 2-disc re-issue which gives you all the b-sides i so loved when the album came out like Cherry Area, No Tan Lines, Wanna Mess You Around and a stellar cover of Echo and the Bunnymen's Killing Moon.... current favorite lyric i put a spy cam/ in the sorority/ oooooo/ darlings of the split screen.... from the brilliant Starlings in the Slipstream.
I'm listening to old music at the moment too. It's an album called "a million year girl" by Max Sharam.
you always tip me off to good stuff nursie, i'll have to check it out.
Pavement and I, we have issues. Some albums I adore (Terror Twilight) and some I'm just all "same band?"
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