Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello to the Dole

I signed the papers this morning and am now officially on the dole and like any good freshly minted jobless fucker i went straight to the bar and drank my fill of the black gold, starting at 9am, at a bar that opened at 7am, cuz i know how to find places like that because in the end i was born 60 years to late, i should have been a mill worker back when we had mills cuz i work hard and i play hard and this morning driving in on my last day i had all these eloquent thoughts and then i got fucking drunk and started smoking and eating friend pickles and wings and didn't really give a fuck anymore...

until i came home and got shit for being drunk in the early afternoon but i'm not under any misguided notion that women have ever understood how i work cuz they don't and i shrugged my shoulders and got on with life and found Nick Disaster and we laid in his bed and talked Power Rangers and Legos cuz it's much more comforting than dealing with the so-called adults, in fact i was okay until i saw my sons and then i wanted to break down and cry like a fucking baby cuz i love the little shits so much and i want them to be so much better than their old man cuz though i may have the stray redeeming quality i am a right motherfucker when it comes down to it but that was a fleeting moment and i got my shit together and stood on the hill outside the school waiting for the I-mac, i was told not to talk to anyone cuz i smelled of booze and the last thing the squares needed to know was my love of vice but as i exited the vehicle which i didn't drive i said "fuck the squares" and wandered off to the hill and waited for my boy who soon came bounding over, big smile on his face cuz his daddio was picking him up from school and once again i realized that there is more to life than the bullshit that the multitudes around me subscribed to...

Of course i recommend that if you're going to drink early and often you have a brother like Gulfboot who sends you CD's titled Drink 1 and Drink 2, i mean it puts you in the right frame of mind and that song above is track 1 disc 1 and though the hangover is here i will battle through it with legit and not so legit medicines and who knows? the day is long and i have beer in the fridge cuz if there's one thing i'm not it's a quitter, and that's all for now.


Jayne said...

Welcome to the dole. Best thing about it, you got it, will be this newfound time with your boyos. And everything else will fall into place, in its time and, I"ll bet, on your terms. Enjoy it. Those boys'll sure love their newfound time w/their better-than-Power-Rangers superhero. ;)

daisyfae said...

Welcome to the PTA! Why is it considered legit for a mom to stay home and manage the family and the household, and why do we give the ol' 'side eye' to the dads who do it?

Diary of Why said...

Why are comments disabled on your newer posts?

Jayne said...

And now you've gone and disabled the comments on Suburban Sisyphus? I was going to say you might have a new blog title there. ;)

Sounds like you might have a Cedar waxwing birdie in Pennsyltuckie. They like to ingest fermented berries, fly inebriated and crash into big glass walls or windows. Very entertaining fellas.

Sisyphus with the rock... heh. (Have you read Camus' essay?) Enjoy the time w/your boyos. That's what it's all about.

Jayne said...

Back to leave something for you:

daisyfae said...

Yo! You don't wanna hear from us any more? Comments out on last several posts...

Rassles said...

See, if you get rid of comments I can't tell you how rad you are. Dick.