Saturday, December 3, 2011


I would like to stress that the Night of the Long Knives is a work of fiction, not everything posted on the lounge is ripped straight from my life and fiction though often rooted in reality and experience it doesn't necessarily have to be and it definitely doesn't have to  be my reality and experience.  If it reading it makes one uncomfortable then i'm doing my job, life is not comfortable, my goal has never and never will be to write things that are comfortable but then again what would i know about comfort today with this wicked cigarette induced hangover that not even pharmaceutical drugs are helping... cheers.


sybil law said...

I've got that same hangover, I think.
Going to try pharmaceuticals in a minute.

Gulfboot Johnson said...


Gulfboot Johnson said...

I really, really, really, really wanna be Kashuka's friend! Don't you?

Kono said...

I fucking love smoothies, what do you say Kushuka, Gulfboot and I are coming over for a smoothie party, i hope there's bourbon in those things.

Gulfboot Johnson said...

Thanks for updating this shit so it works on my phone. Now update your phone and I can text you for nothing you sexy cunt.

Rassles said...

Oh my god, lung hangovers are the worst kind of hangover.

Jayne said...

Damn, you are good.