Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spiritualized-Walking With Jesus (BBC Session)

A song for all those important people debating in Florida... and for that guy who got high on his couch and somehow spaced his grass... cuz he's sick of hearing about REM.


sybil law said...

I can think of a lot of songs fr those important people debating, but this one is as good as any!

Gulfboot Johnson said...
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The Unbearable Banishment said...

I know the *exact* moment I stopped liking REM. It was the first time I heard Shiny Happy People. Are you a shiny happy person? I'm not.

Kono said...

UB- it's not that i even liked REM, in the circles i ran they were pretty much unescapable, as a kid and college radio dj dork, so you ended up listening to them, did they have some good records? yes, did they have some shit records? yes, basically the split just reminded me how old i'm getting.

The Unbearable Banishment said...

Getting? Got.