that said i don't know if anyone else out in the ether watches Breaking Bad but it may be the best fucking television show ever made and i'm hoping they don't fuck it up, the beauty of it comes from the fact that if you've ever been in the game on a serious level they get alot of things right, of course i'm not speaking for all the Mexican cartel shit cuz hell i've never been in one of those but as for the street level and some other things the producers are spot on, and you see it all starts so innocently when a guy who has cancer wants to leave his family with some security instead of bills and mortgages and the like, kinda like this guy i knew years ago who dropped out of grad school and devised a plan to sell weed to pay off his student loans and credit card debt, thing is shit starts to happen and things snowball and the success puts a spin on why and how and what happens, basically a classic tale of a good deed gone bad and the moral ambiguity of of one's actions, Breaking Bad has done a masterful job of showing Walter White's decline from a "morally upstanding" science teacher who could have left his family broke, to a world class "cook" whose ethics have taken a decidedly new bent but may leave his family in a better position, of course that remains to be seen and if you haven't started watching it i suggest you start from the beginning to understand what i'm rambling on about, brilliant acting and writing, it's the only show i actually sit down and watch and have gone out of my way to watch in the last 15 years...
"Midnight Cowboy" is a straight up riff on "Of Mice and Men". Just as "Cool Hand Luke" is a riff on the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
had not made the 'cowboy' / 'mice' connection before...
looking forward to when you start hoarking up the wilderness again. or just some random ramble.
Have seen the first season of Breaking Bad but missed the second so don't want to watch the new series until I've caught up.
I am missing Breaking Bad the same way I completely missed The Wire -- another apparent landmark show. This shit just gets by me.
Like Ms. Daisy, I never made the connection between the two movies but that's spot on. Did you know when it was released, Midnight Cowboy was rated X? It's the only X-rated film to win an Oscar. A nice time capsule of a fucked up New York.
Breaking Bad is frigging brilliant!
It's been years since I've seen Midnight Cowboy, but yep - I can see the correlation...
i had to skip your paragraph about breaking bad because i was afraid of a spoiler...i just started watching it a few weeks back through netflix streaming and am already caught up to the present season, but i'm only on episode one...so needless to say, yes i feel the show is brilliant, i may even go so far as to declare my love for it.
as for midnight cowboy, yes yes yes, i always felt a connection between the two, but like you said i'mnot exactly sure why, but my brain sort of files them together, when i think of one, the other one pops into my thoughts as well. i completely love both stories.
I am going to read all of your blog posts when I can give them the attention they deserve, I fucking swear it.
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