Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Walking Dead- Shiftless When Idle

Motherfucker it's hot and this new gaff of mine was sans air conditioning and now i'm sitting here and sweating and man if it doesn't remind me of my summers at the beach when life was free and easy, instead today i got to watch the first wave of former co-workers be shown the door, of course there was much hand-wringing and misty-eyes in certain quarters and i'd just kind of look at these people and wonder what the fuck, though i'm sure they probably think the same about me as a i walk around the place air guitaring heavy metal in my head  but really people, you're my fucking co-workers, except for maybe one of you i could give a fuck if i ever see any of you again, see i remember when i gave up the business and all these wastoids who i'd known for years sat there and told me how they'd be in touch and stop by the bar and have a beer and i would laugh and say, i'll never fucking see you again, at least not on purpose, i'd don't have what you need anymore so i appreciate the rays of sunshine you're blowing up my ass right now but save it, it's okay, really, i don't much want to talk to anyone anymore, my business made me and know that i'm out i don't really give a fuck.  Of course i couldn't really drop that on all the snivelling idiots walking around like their dog just died so i did what i do best, i hid in my cave and read books and took a nap and let all the people who's world revolves around the place they work drama it up and hand each other tissues, which brings me to this...

Some fucking dickhead named Scott Perry, see Scotty here is a member of America's largest full time state legislature here in good ole' Pennsylvania and dammit Scotty is mad, see Scotty thinks that people out there are playing the system and not getting jobs cuz damn you can make over three bills a week sitting on your ass, so Scotty here has a new game, he's gonna change unemployment and save the state money, see he's gonna re-figure the way the equation is done thus reducing the average weekly benefit from $324 to $277 cuz motherfuckers are getting over and the state is going broke dammit, in case you haven't guessed Scotty is one of the Brown Shirts, oops i mean GOP, one of those compassionate Christian types who love god and guns and rich benefactors and well you know those poor or down on their luck, well fuck them, they just need to work harder cuz this here is the motherfucking youessofa man, and Scotty is tired of people loafing, Scotty believes that some of us out here are scheming our way to a life of leisure all on 3 bills a weeks, i mean fuck things like rent/mortgage or food or health care, i'm taking my three bills and buying a teener and heading to the casino to play poker all night and then the strip bar and maybe i'll close out the night with a bag of Rap Snacks and a crack rock cuz hot damn the state be paying for it i'm gonna live it up, of course if i was Scotty i'd have a car (paid for by taxpayers), lifelong health care for me and my family (paid for by taxpayers), a number of publicists and aides (paid for by taxpayers), and a nice fat salary (paid for by taxpayers) that i barely touch due to the per diems and other perks handed out to those in America's largest full time state legislature, so Scotty, from the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself you fucking prick, someday maybe, though i doubt it, you may realize that most of us don't live like you and most of us don't really enjoy paying your fucking salary, i'm all for saving some tax dollars here in the Keystone state so why don't we can a whole bunch of you useless motherfuckers and save all that money in health care, pension, cars, publicists and much more... and then when we, the taxpayers, are finished, we'll cut your fucking unemployment too.


Anonymous said...

There are Scottys everywhere :-(

daisyfae said...

the best thing about President Clinton? he grew up poor. and he remembered it. we should put every legislator on a 'real world' income for a month to let 'em see what it feels like.

sybil law said...


Jayne said...

You think Scotty might mandate that all those ridiculously highly compensated corporate leaders (ha!) spread some of the wealth around to their indentured servants? Seems to me like big Corp. should be taking care of those they let go even more so than the State. But we can't expect that from those greedy bastards sitting snuggly in their ivory towers, now can we?
That said--Scotty is a dickhead.