As both of my readers can probably tell my head hasn't been right and i've put things on the back burner and well fuck it basically i'm just a lazy git, see i've been trapped inside by this brutally cold weather and when i don't get to walk and loosen the gears in this wonky head of mine, well i don't get to writing much either but that's okay cuz i got books to read and boyos to hang with, i've been cultivating this Old Bay and Butter chicken wing fetish down at Gooski's (home of the world's greatest jukebox) where i toke up, drive down, order a Guinness, eat my wings, order another Guinness and then head directly home because humanity has a way of annoying the shit out of me, but it's the ritual of the habit i enjoy, that said the only really exciting thing i have to share is that today i scored a ticket to see Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips play the songs of Galaxie 500, which may not mean much to you but to an indie rock nerd like me is like x-mas in January, Dean used to pull out Fourth of July when he played with Luna but this will be a chance to sit back, get really fucking baked and quite possibly pass out in the Carnegie Museum, i've stated before i'm not a huge fan of Andrew Warhola's art but i gotta give him some credit, the museum in his name brings in all kinds of great shit to this city so it kind of makes me like him just a bit more...
as a bonus for me being lazy i may give you the Kono approved books and records from 2010, just not tonight, cuz i feel like staring at my ceiling and i gotta sleep cuz Kid A has a doctor's appt. tomorrow and then we're gonna hit the movies and the bookstore and score milkshakes and all kinds of good shit as his old man plays hooky from the job. okay that's it.
sounds like you have a good day ahead. playin' hooky rocks.
Man, but that one long fuckin sentence!
(Guinness & Wings, sigh now mower!)
That Warhol museum is kind of an enigma. I've wanted to visit it for years and years but am so rarely in the naib. Glad to see it's multi-purposed. Not just there to annoy the shit out of you.
@Map: The sentence structure here is part of the charm. It's like James Joyce except it's coherent and makes a point.
I like getting lost in a good run of a sentence. It's pretty exhilarating, forces total concentration. Have you read Peter LaSalle (Tell Borges If You See Him, for instance)? He's fuses some great shit together.
Old Bay and Butter chicken wings. Old Rhody hasn't yet figured that one out. Oh, get me outa the burbs.
We're playing hooky today, here, too! I LOVE it.
Chiiiiiiken wiiiiiiiings. *drool*
I'm watching the lights across the bay. Babysitting my god babies. Drinking cold beer. Small things. They work.
Can't wait for your lists Kono
Oh, books! Win.
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