Party Stan was an 40 something hippie and resident pot broker of Podunk, Pa. That is of course until he had a meltdown and me and the Zinch took over but that's one that will be covered or has been covered in the Wilderness, see back then Party Stan's word was gospel and he had happen to come into what he called the second best mushrooms he'd ever had, the kind that had people passing out and losing their shit on a gram or so...
At the time i was like Party Stan's younger brother, a protege so to speak, one of the few students allowed in his house, so when he sat me down to lecture me on my mushroom intake i smiled and nodded and said not to worry, see while the cherry poppers were passing out on a gram i was eating over seven grams at a time and basically having one on one conversations with God, those conversations were quite enlightening to say the least but one night i happened to eat a quarter of these wonderful little fungi before a disco party, i was on my own in my apartment, late afternoon in the brilliant colors of fall that Western Pa. likes to produce, before i knew it a few hours had gone by so i dipped into the bag and ate some more and sometime later my roommate came to find me and go to the party but what he found was me standing on a chair in our kitchen in my underwear staring down at the floor and swearing that the large wine stain in the carpet looked exactly like Pangaea, in fact i made him get up on the chair and look and then he went back to the neighbors apartment where i think he mentioned i was completely off my head on shrooms and standing on a chair in the kitchen seeing ancient geological formations and basically he was correct...
but there was a disco party to attend so i needed to get dressed and what better way to dress while fucking conversing with Major Tom than in a pair of banana yellow women's polyester pants, skin tight pants that flared at the bottom, see if the town was short on entertainment it was a treasure trove for thrift stores, one of which was located in a trailer outside of town that let you fill up a bag for 5 bucks. To compliment my lovely pants i wore a women's polyester shirt, brown with blue stripes and it was then that i learned that women's shirts button backwards from men's, topped off with a chapeau reminiscent of something Papa John Phillips would have been proud of, of course i don't remember much of this night, there was a large part that was blurry but i do remember being told off by a beautiful young girl and as she tried to get away from me i ran up the steps, backwards, in order to make my point, to the amazement of a dozen or so people watching, some even asked me to do it again and i said do what and they said run up the steps backwards and i just smiled and said you must be high, of course this beautiful young girl had captivated me since the day i saw her and though there have been many peaks and valleys over the years you may recognize her as the mother of those two fine little boys i love so much, yes even reading this i smile at her taste in men, impeccable i'd say to say the least, needless to say she didn't go home with me that night which i know is hard to believe when i'm rocking a pair of skin tight banana yellow polyester pants but that was okay i'm quite the patient one and besides i had other things to do and see most of them happening in my tweaked out little head...
So it was that the Hassler and i ended up in Podunk's version of a discotheque, of course a club like this in Podunk consisted of a clientele largely of foreign exchange students, faculty and townsfolk, now when you're 6'4 and decked out in women's clothes while your running mate Mr. Hassler is wearing a knee length blue swirled dress and combat boots one can draw the ire of men who like to hunt deer and wear camo in hopes of getting laid by a university receptionist, add the fact that i was so high that i kept busting disco moves though i was nowhere near the dance floor i figured at some point someone would throw a punch but instead i drew the interest of a woman ten years my senior who was of the professional sort, no this story doesn't end up with me taking her home though i think that might have been in the offing, it does end up with me drinking scotch and explaining to her the mystical qualities of hallucinogenic drugs and how they are the path to true enlightenment, of course most of my discourse was a piss take i was just wondering how much she could handle and it sounded more eloquent than blurting out, i really like fucking drugs and she was smiling and nodding and touching my shoulders and commenting on how tall i was when the Hassler ambled over and asked if i could zip him up, his dress that is and i uttered something like no problem you sexy beast and when we get back to the apartment i'm gonna tear that ass up, the professional sort was a bit taken aback by this, i bummed a cigarette and asked for a light and she politely excused herself and went back to her friends while i bopped around the club singing Beers, Steers & Queers by the Revolting Cocks rather loudly, of course that song wasn't playing but when you're as off your tits as i was you kind of just go with whatever is in your head.
and the point of this little ditty? well there is none, it's like a Polaroid at a barbecue, it's something to laugh at and toss out, no deep meaning, just a snapshot, a footnote on those wonderful Wilderness years.
I wish you'd write a book. I mean, your editor would have his or her work cut out, what with your distaste for punctuation and all, but I would love to just turn the pages on this, and always have another page waiting. You're a more loveable Kerouac, or something else less cliché, I don't know, you're the writer, not me.
The only time I didn't get a headache from 'shrooms is if it was 'shroom tea. I could drink the shit out of some mushroom tea, now.
You should totally write a book.
anyone fucking with a small town disco? all right forever in my book... this entry could use a photo of you rockin' the yellow polyester.
I did LSD thrice; In Ohiopyle, PA during a whitewater camping trip, in Cleveland and at Kent State University. The first two were great and the third time was so horrific that I never did it again. That's really powerful stuff. I don't recommend it to anyone. Not even Dean Moriarty.
i've been curious as to how & when the girl would be introduced...
I love that the girl has finally come into the story!
And how on earth did you find women's pants long enough to fit your 6'4" frame?
For me, inducing the path to true enlightenment has always ended in the conclusion that nothing matters, which is funny when you're young but becomes less so.
DofW- gracias, be careful what you wish for i might need an editor someday.
Sybil- i like the tea as well, though i like 'em anyway i can get 'em.
Daisy- i was like the Godzilla of small town disco's, i destroyed them.
UB- I've tripped well into the triple digits on ye olde lsd and i've never had a bad time, granted you are right it's not for everyone and for some reason my synapses seem particularly fond of it, different from the fungus though... and the natural antidote to psylocibin can be found in whole milk so if you're having a rough go it's easy to come down.
Twin- don't blink you might miss her.
Nursie- i never thought about the size of those pants til now and yes something about that frightens me cuz they did fit perfectly.
JMH- it's not the conclusion that matters it's the journey and how many drugs you ingest on the way.
I want to hear more about this retarded Hassler person.
He sounds like a fascinating literary character...
Ross Man- The Hassler is easily one of the most interesting characters of the Wilderness Years, i'm sure there's more of him to come.
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