Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Hank

Charles Bukowski, born August 16 1920.


The Unbearable Banishment said...

You are speaking my language, pal. I started reading that guy 25+ years ago. Lots of artists have come in and out of my life since then, but his stuff still gets under my skin.

I started collecting rarities in the early '80s. Books with paintings bound in. Chapbooks from the '60s. I now have a wall full of Bukowski rarities. I even struck up a friendship with John Martin. This evening on NPR, Garrison Keillor's nightly feature, The Writer's Almanac, did a feature on him. Some of his poetry was read. So, yeah. Happy birthday, Hank.

Ross Man said...

I drink a drink to you Mr. B....
Actually, I'll make it five you miserable bastard.

"Don't Try"
Fucking genius.

Gulfboot Johnson said...

Anniversary of Elvis' death too.

Kono said...

UB- Wish i would've had the dosh to shell out when i first got into him in 1990 or so, did manage to get a few signed copies, one being Crucifix in a Deathhand from Loujon Press and in the early 90's before he died he was still sending shit off to the little mags and ended up getting published in the same little rag with him.

Ross Man- For a while i was fed up with the Bukowski persona and his bravado bullshit, killing my father is what i called it in order to free myself from his influence (which is still there obviously)but been getting back to him lately and discovered that though for the most part he was a miserable bastard he was also a devoted father, which speaks volumes for the man in my book.

Gulfboot- can someone pass me the pills and the fried pb&j?

sukipoet said...

wonderful photo

sybil law said...

Love that sick fucker and his crazy mind.

Kono said...

sukipoet- thanks for stopping by the lounge.

Sybil- i think Hank would have admired a woman who drinks 40oz Mickey's in a paper bag. I know i do.

Blues said...

I don't know why I haven't read more Bukowski. I only ever read Ham on Rye and it's actually a book that's really stayed with me over the years.

Rassles said...

Bukowski is my total abusive boyfriend. Infuriating, disgusting, I love him.

You are such an old-ass hipster.

Kono said...

Blues- may i suggest a few of my favorites, South of No North (short stories), Factotum (novel) The Roominghouse Madrigals (poems) You Get So Alone Sometimes It Just Makes Sense (poems) Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame (poems) The Most Beautiful Woman in Town (stories)

Rassles- you fucking charmer... wait did yo just call me a hipster?

nursemyra said...

I didn't realise it was his birthday when I added a photo of him to my post for today. How serendipitous.