Yes it's been a while, i'm sure both of you missed me, comes a time when i need to re-charge the batteries, when i need to read books and ignore the typer and try and get my shit together, of course i get a little surly when i don't write anything, i get bored cuz this shit is mainly for my entertainment, though i'm wondering just what the break has done for as i walked down the street tonight to get my steamed milk and smoke a clandestine cigarette i had one man put his hands up at me as if to say "please don't hit me" and another woman couldn't get in her apartment fast enough as i walked down the avenue, she fumbling her keys and throwing me worried glances, i mean what the fuck? i may be tall and not smile a whole lot but generally i don't rape and pillage... at least on a Tuesday night mind you, so be it, i've been trying to stay a bit clean but that hasn't been working well and as we all know i prefer to write sober, shit even tonight i didn't make it as the boys at Big Pharma have once again helped me take the edge of the quiet rage that seems to be occupying my thoughts these days, call me a friendly misanthrope, really, i am... so what have i been doing with myself you say other than cultivating bad habits and the like? well i saw the Drive By Truckers a few weeks back which was a righteous a Tuesday night as i've spent in some time, i've been watching my beloved Penguins in the hockey playoffs and tuning into the footie (soccer for us americans) as the season winds down and the World Cup winds up, went to record store day and dropped some hard earned dosh on some records, Husker Du's Flip Your Wig, The Eddy Current Suppression Ring, Black Tambourine and my new infatuation with the indie rock girl groups who somehow combine 60's harmonies and indie rawk, Best Coast, the Dum Dum Girls and the Vivian Girls, as well as finding the record of the year but more on that later, basically this is a long winded way of saying i got some new shit coming soon as my mind has begun to wander once again so stay tuned, both of you...
i've got to get to the 'burgh. maybe this summer. i like the idea of walking the streets with you, scaring people.
I am currently out of the office. I will respond as soon as I return.
tuned in...
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