I'd like to wish my dad and all dad's a happy father's day, Pops as he is affectionately known is a prince among men, taught me most of what i know about being a decent human being and everything i know about being a dad, if i end up half as good as he was as parent i'll be doing fucking great, better yet the old man doesn't have the internet so he'll never read this, in fact he has a computer from 1990 or so, a fucking relic that he keeps just because i think he gets a kick out of it...
Which brings me to Liam G., who once gave an interview about how only dipshit's call themselves dad's and how he was only a bloke who had kids, i partly agree with Liam about that, i am just a bloke who has imaginary kids and since that time i've tried it curb my more harmful habits mainly involving class A's, though the cigs still seem to hang on even though i don't really smoke on a regular basis, it's just that some of us "dad's" actually try and take an active role in our kid's lives while other guys are really just sperm donors who like to talk about how they have a kid who they don't see or really care about and then you find out that said bloke gets his kid on the weekend but here he sits at the bar on a Saturday night mainly giving us "dad's" who sit up all night with a their sick kid or wake up each night to feed their baby a bad rap, so fuck you Liam, i'm not rich and can't afford a nanny so i gotta do the shit myself and though i'm a rather unconventional dad by dad standards i still get the job done somehow and usually by accident then i stand back and watch the I-Mac or Nicky Finn and say "shit, how'd i do that" but we all seem to be okay and the other day Imaginary Boy did a ripping version of Ace of Spades on a toy guitar complete with rock star posturing and Hendrix moves in his Elmo underwear, if i knew how to work a video camera you'd be watching footage right now...
Besides, if it wasn't for Noel little brother would be bagging the groceries at the local Sainsbury's... needless to say this post is quite incoherent but the lack of sleep due to the arrival of Nicky Finn is the most fun i've had since acid, things tend to get very surreal and i find myself passing out for short intervals and going very Ziggy Stardust/time travel sorta feeling all while little Nick eats/sleeps/shits/pukes his way through the early days of life staring at me and wondering what the fuck he's gotten himself into. Poor kid.
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