I dig the new album but lets face it i'm biased, it's been said i should stick summer squash in my pants to let Moz see the excitement and my reply is who needs summer squash dammit, i can only hope to age as gracefully as one Steven Patrick Morrissey and i highly recommend you catch his latest round of interviews because the man is nothing if not fascinating, they just don't make them like Mozzer anymore, i don't think i'll see an interview with Benji Madden or Pete Wentz Simpson that has anything even approaching intelligence, though i'd have to be handcuffed to a post to actually watch an interview with one of those twits, but now it's time to learn the words, cuz in less than one month he'll be here singing his life. fucking brilliant.
he really doesn't need to be holding the baby. i'd fuck him anyway...
Cheers Kono! No Hassle here.
See you at the show.
I heard the LP today. I liked the one that sounded like Eton Rifles, and the one that sounded like he'd joined Take That. The Mariachi stuff was good too.
Oh, and who are Benji Madden or Pete Wentz Simpson?
the esteemed Wentz Simpson is the husband of one Ashlee "nosejob" Simpson and bass player of the suckfest known as Fall Out Boy, while Mr. Madden is the is a former beau of Paris Douchebag Hilton and guitar player of the supreme asslicks know as Good Charlotte, apparently both these bands are huge with white suburban youth who one day wish to get tattoo's and act all hardass while still being more than slightly effeminate, average age of the people who listen to these bands is roughly 13, also part of the pop punk/ mall punk movement of disaffected white youth that was all the rage, see also the shitfest that is the Van's Warped Tour where they box up "alternative culture" and sell it to the kids at Hot Topic. that was some good smoke this morning, whew.
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