My good friend and brother the Limey asked a rather innocent question this morning about what i thought about the last time the esteemed Moron George asked for a shed load of money to avert imminent disaster as he did again last night to us Merkins... the response...
Because this country is filled with fucking morons, the republican nominee for v.p. is such a fucking muppet that they won't let her speak unless she has a script, apparently the fact that she can you know like see Russia from Alaska gives her some foreign policy credibility, i mean it's like totally gnarly, the fact that the media and the republicans even floated that statement proves that the national IQ of this shithole is hovering somewhere around 50, it's the scariest statement i've heard since the Supreme Dickheads coronated King George thus solidifying the downfall of the "American Empire", basically i'm fed up with this shit, i'd like a little lube and some foreplay round the old ringpiece if you will before i get fucked in the ass, what i particularly admire about the Wall St. fiasco is the steel scrotum of Georgie and his boys who are flinching at putting a cap on executive salaries of the boys who asked for help for fear that it might drive away the talented financial wizards who got us into this mess in the first place... What? the unmitigated greed of these assholes may not only wreck this economy but others as well and these fuckwads somehow think they deserve $18 million in compensation for doing a shitty job? i say pay 'em in stock options that they must take right now while their companies are in the shitter, i say don't pay 'em at all and prosecute the fuckers cuz they knew what they were doing and anybody who's taken a basic economics course could figure out the principles behind the billion dollar schemes were bullshit, it's another take on the creative accounting that Enron had going on only this time it's on a much grander scale and we might as well all lube up cuz this time everyone is getting it in the sphincter, except of course the rich because hell they're rich and the stupid white trash base of the Grand Ole Party cuz i'm sure this is what God wanted and as we all know dinosaurs roamed the earth less than 6,000 years ago...the other tasty little morsel in this mess is the fact that like the I-rack Boy George wants to now give unchecked power to Paulson, Bernanke, etal thus circumventing that whole checks and balances and constitutional thingamajig and seeing as how well that's worked out in the executive branch for the last 7+ years i can't believe the country hasn't fallen over with it's legs in the air screaming go ahead, it's a bad fucking joke...
rant on, brother...
investment opportunity of the future? K-Y Jelly and Pparation H...
Would be nice if they'd at least buy us dinner and flowers.
you got that right Daisy
darn right!..... wink (fuckin slag, if he dies, she'll take over the world. can't you lot over there have a coup or something?)
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