Oh lucky me, the New York Dolls are playing the Pittsburgh Arts festival for free kids, one week from tonight and i'm fucking stoked, so what if Johnny Thunders is dead and Arthur "Killer" Kane as well, i've heard the new players live and it still rocks and Johanssen is still cool and it's free to see one of the most influential acts in rock and roll, which got me to thinking? should i hit the thrift store and score a nice dress for the event? maybe a nice bright blouse and skirt or should i go with a nice pair of 1970's women's polyester slacks, as well as some trashy red lipstick and black eyeliner, would it strike people as odd to see a 6foot4inch man with large sideburns and other assorted facial hair roaming an arts festival drunk in women's clothing? most places i'd say no but here in the burgh i'm sure i'd be looking at a few morons trying to punch me as well as some police harassment but as long as someone else carries the drugs who really cares, i'd think it'd also be funny to show the imaginary boy pictures when he got older of his dad on father's day dressed in drag with a beard, hmmm maybe i've just got a sick sense of humor...
The last time i wore women's polyester pants they were banana yellow and super tight, i took a boat load of mushrooms and went to some party where the safety pin i had shoved through my nipple got ripped out while i was in some dance contest i can barely remember, the night ended with my and my mates in the most uptight bar in the smalltown where the university was slamming booze and coming down off the drugs while we chatted up some business type ladies and the uptight guys got pissed, the line of the night was when The Hassler turned to me in front of two young ladies and said "could you zip up my dress please, it's falling down."
the second best option would be to track down Marsha Mello and Mr. Slave (my two favorite burgh drag queens) and hang out with them, the best part being when they put on their high heels i'd be the shortest one there, hahahaha
do women's polyester pants come in anything EXCEPT super tight banana yellow? anyway, i'm sure you'll see your mutant pals at the damn gig.
ooohhh my worst nightmare is having my nipple piercing ripped out.... *ouch ouch ouch*
the worst part Nursie is that i didn't know it until someone alerted me i was bleeding through my shirt, then i promptly dropped to the ground and looked for the safety pin only to try and put it back in and have it fall out cuz the bottom of my nipple was sliced.
See you next Sunday - luckily, you'll be easy to find in the crowd!
Old lady dress and hobnail boots.
Do it!
Ah, the good old days...
eeek kono... that's a nasty way to lose a piercing
Johanssen is still pretty - lucky you! Friend of mine was "approached" by a gorgeous tranny outside the 'burgh Westin a few years back. if he'd been just a little more fcked up, he might not have spotted the adams apple, and would have taken a walk on the wild side... Dolls. Sweet...
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