I love my son, my brother, my father, my friends, i love coming home after a hard day of work and seeing the imaginary boy, those that know me might spot a conspicuous absence from this list and there are reasons for everything, reasons why i stay near the boy because if not for him i could easily slip into a darkness, a place i'd rather not go, so tonight while i watch the walls crumble around me i will think of him and those i love, think of the reasons why i don't pack it in and become a yuppie or some other horrible thing, battle the demons and the bottles and the powders that have come calling at all hours, battle to live while those around me who care little about dreams or life battle hard to destroy what's left of me, battle for the imaginary boy and the hope i have that he will not be his father, he will be pure and honest and love with no conditions placed on his heart, he will be the man that i have somehow failed to be and i will smoke cigarettes and pump gas and hope that luck is the better part of valor.
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