Exhausted is not the word to describe how i feel. The imaginary boy makes me run, run, run, how can he be so young and have so much energy?
May be the last person i know under the age of forty who doesn't own an ipod. I prefer the sounds of the streets and the voices in my head, the soundtrack of my life is sung in a strange inner dialogue and changes on a whim, i kinda like it that way.
Still carrying on conversations with my left hand at work, we talk back and forth and is scares the shit out of the square banker types. Sometimes i even draw little faces on me hand. hahahahaha
Will still post about the asswipes just haven't had the time or the energy to sit down and make a concerted effort, revisionist history in the works as well. I need some whiskey and a cigarette and a good nights sleep.
When i dream i dream of bears.
1 comment:
I had a dream they covered the street where I grew up in graffiti. Then I went to a party with Michael Caine.
Oh, and if you took public transport, you'd buy an iPod. People talk too much.
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