The title of this post (part of it anyway) is lifted from an excellent book written by Timothy Snyder (The Road to Unfreedom) and one i'd advise everyone to read, particularly in today's political climate where the shit show has morphed into something more akin to gigantic bags of shit, lit on fire and tossed at any shred of decency that might exist... in fact i worry about Mr. Snyder as he may soon find himself being rounded up for "ideas that are Unamerican"... cuz that shit is coming kids, in fact this little post here could easily land me in an El Salvador prison once Elonia and his army of minions start scouring the web looking for "dissenters" to the Orange Shitgibbon's and Elonia's ideas of America and free speech... or as Chuck D once so poetically said, freedom of speech... just watch what you say... especially now that our own Bubble Boy Marco has cut a deal with El Salvador to house American citizens in their prisons... (for those who don't know young Marco earned the name Bubble Boy from his current boss, funny huh? seeing as young Marco was photographed and was outed as apparently working, remember in Elonia and Zuck da Cuck's world there is no fact checking but feel free to dig in on this one, as a Bubble Boy... what is a bubble boy? well those were young men who would be "available" at these bubble parties held by gay men back in the day, granted i got no problem with any of it seeing as the gay men i've known were always ridiculously fun to party with but when one is a bastion of conservative values it's a bit odd that one would earn extra money by being a rent boy.... something Bubble Boy Marco categorically denies, his explanation of those photos is oh so believable but i'm sure by now they've been scrubbed from the web...) but back to the whole "free speech" thing, in the new America aka Dumbfuckistan the clamps are coming down, we are veritably sprinting towards dictatorship while many intelligent people are pointing out we are in the midst of a coup... hence why Speaker Mikey is sitting on his hands and vacationing, the shithead is in on it as well...
In fact i would not be surprised if for some strange reason Congress took a recess right before Feb. 27... look up that date in history and one will find that a certain building in Berlin mysteriously burnt to the ground that day never to be replaced... overreaction? one could argue that i am,,, and do i expect them to burn down a certain building? well to be honest i'd say it's a fucking coin flip, a whole lot of knuckledraggers had no problem trashing it and shitting all over it's floor so hey why not bring some gasoline the next time? who needs a legislature when you have a king? kings, as we know, have divine rights and are the fucking mouthpiece of a chosen deity so fuck all that balance of power shit, that's for beta cuck soy boys is it not?
But back in the Kakistocracy we are full speed ahead with jamming the biggest array of fucking idiots one could convene to run the most important departments we have... a list of the "best people" reveals and guy who is a sexual predator and raging alcoholic and who was in the National Guard to run the military... a woman best know for a fake soap opera involving mostly scantily clad, oiled and hairless men in tights rolling around together to run the education department... a known Russian asset who flipped parties when it became expedient to her career and who refuses to call a man convicted of spying a traitor (he now lives in Mother Russia) to run the intelligence community, a fucking absolutely batshit conspiracy theorist who has a dead animal fetish, a predilection for smack, loves raw milk (Neil deGrasse Tyson has stated if you think drinking raw milk is okay to look at under a microscope, he bets you wouldn't drink it after that, there's a reason it's pasteurized) and thinks that proven vaccines are harmful and ineffective, believes research on infectious diseases is useless and who is basically ignoring a bird flu epidemic, is fit to run the health department and that doesn't eve scratch the tip of it... add in the Jewish Nazi lil Stevie Miller (his own family's words not mine) and a certain South African with a sketchy visa who thinks he's, i don't know? a fascist Tony Stark? the flaming bags of shit are flying everywhere...
Let us not forget that in the current climate, with bird flu running rampant, that the powers that be have shut down all info to not only the general public but to doctors as well, also freezing all aid and research... an interesting sidelight to this was a doctor i was listening to talk about the reason we don't have things like Ebola and other horrible diseases ravaging the US is because we help the world and look after our own self interest by stopping the spread or eradicating the outbreak where it's at... not anymore kids, the fuckwit Shitgibbon, who exhibits more signs of dementia than old Joe ever did and let's be honest, is being handled by a few evil and conniving motherfuckers behind the scenes, is once again of the mindset that if he pretends it doesn't exist it doesn't... fucking hell... we're fucked.... oddly this whole bird flu thing is not going to bring down the price of eggs anytime soon and correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't that a huge selling point for this moron? not to mention those same birds that lay eggs are also put on a whole lot of tables at dinner, that price is going up too as chickens are being massively culled due to the disease... and don't forget the cows, they get it too and while not as deadly it's going to fuck up that industry as well... but at least gas will be cheap... uh... well.. not exactly...
What we have going on here is plain and simply a coup... it's a word being thrown around a lot and what worries me about that is the fact when the word is tossed around it begins to lose it's meaning... as writers like Orwell, Huxley, Fromm have pointed out previously, they who control the language control the power... add in now they who control the information, the data, the algorithm, control the power... when Elonia and his merry band of teens and twentysomethings are accessing private information anyone not sporting a red hat should be wary, while the current iteration of the American Gestapo are wearing ICE uniforms it won't be long until the new branch with stylish new uniforms is announced devoting it's time and energy to round and "re-educate" the "radical left"... who is the radical left? anyone who disagrees with the authoritarian in charge.. or his cabal of ministers or his unelected best bro rich guy oligarch who believes that it is actually he who has been given this divine right... but it's probably much more simple than that... Elonia is a bigger narcissist than the Orange Shitgibbon, something hard to fathom but true, Elonia believes the world should be reshaped to his liking so he can stockpile money in his quest for everlasting life... it won't work out that way but what's the difference, he'll destroy everything in his path while convincing his fellow oligarchs and plutocrats that it is within their rights to lay waste to the lumpen prole as since they are the wealthy they are obviously more valuable to the universe than the masses, some will add in that this is what "god" wants as well... let us not forget the need to wave the "good book" in order to pacify a certain segment of the population... keep the filthy masses well doped up on the religion and the sheeple will follow damn near blindly...
(Speaking of that "good book", one might want to remember the name Russell Vought... old Russ here is the architect and author of a certain Project 2025, the Godfather so to speak, Russ is balding and bespectacled and should scare the shit out of any free thinking human, Rusty here wants Dumbfuckistan to adhere to a Christian Nationalist sharia law, knows how to play the game like his buddy Stevie Miller and has some frightening ideas for the future... women should be ready to give back their rights and any non-white male (or female for that matter) should be ready to be escorted to the border and tossed over... Rusty is slick and is now in charge of the OMB, the department that controls the purse strings which is exactly where he wants to be, he's smart enough to lay low and pull strings and most of the Orange Shitgibbon's "ideas" and plans come straight from Rusty and his shitbag think tank... )
Granted with the new surveillance state taking shape some of us might not have to worry about that... the fact is we all may soon be writing in code to get ideas or information across, much like the Soviet writers did back in the 1960s and 70s, we'll be speaking a language veiled in secrecy as to avoid an all expense paid trip to Guantanamo or a sunny El Salvadoran prison... and yet a vast majority will think this is hyperbole... every time i see some cracker crying on social media about how they lost their benefits and can't believe it happened to them, followed of course by their previous posts trumpeting their love of the Shitgibbon and the first bro, i want to tell them that they're next, it would be easy though unproductive to bask in the glow of their stupidity and comeuppance but these posts are nothing more than political revenge porn, someone should be telling these people posting their misfortune that they were warned, told straight up that this was coming and somehow they still voted for the Shitgibbon and his minions so they could control it all... the really frightening part is the fact the Fascist propaganda machine of the White Grievance Party and it's media outlets are on full blast about the overwhelming mandate given to the Orange Shitgibbon by the denizens of Dumbfuckistan... the facts of course prove this otherwise, of the last 20 presidential elections he ranked 18th in margin of victory, meaning the other two below the last one were the electoral college nonsense of Dubya and the Shitgibbon's first term losing the popular vote but winning the electoral college thus the office... but if one pounds home the point of this fictious mandate the drooling knuckledraggers will believe it, mainly because they want to... facts, the truth, they no longer matter in the alternative fact and post-truth era...
So what do we do will become the next big question... sadly of the 90 odd million eligible to vote who didn't the answer is simple, most likely nothing... for those that support the Shitgibbon and the Project 2025 shit show the answer is the same... some will start to realize how fucked they are when they begin to suffer the consequences but even then some will still believe in the divine right of the Orange Shitgibbon and his bro Elonia while Rusty pulls the strings... for the rest of us the words civil disobedience will become paramount... it will also involve great risks to our personal freedoms... to start the general strikes now being called for should be brought to bear with full force, nothing gains the attention of the uber-rich like fucking with their money, when the proletariat stop the producing and consuming then the cash spigot gets cut off or slows down... which should also, to use a favorite term of the WGP, trickle down to how we spend our money, companies that donate or back the current regime should be boycotted at all costs, those that cut programs like DEI due to fear of repercussions the same, any funds available should be donated to places like the ACLU, to organizations like Planned Parenthood who face extinction under the merry band of Christian Nationalists who love the fetus but hate the children, to Democracy Docket run by the brilliant Marc Elias, but remember, with Big Brother Shitgibbon, First Bro Elonia, Shitbag Vought, fascist Lil Stevie Miller, all of these actions, even something as innocuous as donating money could find you rounded up... and the more power and control they grab the less chance any of us will have to escape it's reach, there will be no recourse, no justice, just submission or punishment.. (one of my theories and fears is that these protests and strikes might be exactly what the Project 2025 cabal want so that the Shitgibbon can declare martial law...)
So here we are... sadly most of my fellow Dumbfucks won't even recognize or pay attention to what's going on until it walks up and bites them on the ass, see again 90 million non-voters... others will give up or give in, some will start looking to move to a place more sane and not inhabited by racist assholes (see the sudden uptick in white power marches nationally) or Christian Nationalist maniacs... maybe the only bright spot, other than the will of a certain segment of society, is that Anonymous was come back to help, they've already pointed out the voting anomalies that took place (funny how there was no question about the voting machines this time even thought First Bro Elonia bragged how anything could be hacked and the Orange Shitgibbon stated after this election we'd never have to vote again...) and have stated they will go on the offensive as the Plutocrats and Oligarchs try to run amok... here's hoping it works...
(I stumbled upon an interesting talk given by a billionaire, one who recognized the need for "his" class to start understanding the need to share the wealth, treat and pay workers fairly, which he stated means much more than they are getting now, facilitate a move to universal healthcare, he stated that he had been lucky, had been born white and male and affluent and took advantage of those facts to go from millionaire to billionaire... he then stated that he talked to his fellow billionaires about doing these things because if they didn't, if they continued to hoard wealth, at some point the pitchforks come, meaning things take a violent turn and they end up on the guillotine, he stated that this has happened repeatedly throughout history and advised his "class" to avoid such an outcome... yes he said it seems hard to believe but it's coming... and this was before Luigi... and speaking of Luigi, it's a strange development that one barely hears his name mentioned anymore... seems the mainstream media conglomerates, even the left and left leaning ones, who of course are still controlled by the uber-wealthy noticed that the majority of public sentiment was with Luigi, that he had become something of a folk hero, hence stop covering the incident and the man, yes there is a lot to cover these days with those flaming bags of turds flying everywhere but not a whisper or mention of a certain young man who did what the billionaire above said would happen, though he meant more on a macro scale the fact is Luigi planted the first seed and the hegemony knows they need to kill that seed before it grows... )
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