Monday, January 13, 2025

The Bar is a Beautiful Place

 It's been said here many times on the lounge that i'm a bit of a social misanthrope, i'm not all that fond of people but i tend to find them fascinating all at the same time, like some half-ass cultural anthropologist who specializes in the study of late 20th and early 21st century homo sapiens particularly from the Rust Belt but not limited to said geographical area... there has also been an evolution of sorts when it came to our hero over what is now approaching the 18th anniversary of the lounge (going back and looking at the early days is like looking at those old middle school/high school pictures and wondering, what the fuck was i thinking? but in this, to sound like a pretentious ass, years long art project, i can actually see some progress, dare i say that i've gotten better at this whole thing... or maybe it's more long-winded or maybe it's just understanding and becoming more adept or comfortable with what i'm doing while all the while still trying to remain uncomfortable...) that evolution has involved the using and losing of various substances over the years, one of the main ones being alcohol... when i started this endeavour so many years ago i was still much the drinker, in fact it would be roughly eight years or so into the lounge before i actually booted the serious drinking on the head and sobered up... it took one fine morning of legendary hangover status and coughing up what felt like my liver to finally look in the mirror and say, enough, no more hangovers... and i can say with all honesty that i haven't  had one since, some ten years ago now, and that while every once in a while i might have one beer too many these days that amounts to nothing more than a slight headache, easily remedied, gone are the days of clutching the toilet and wishing for relief that i knew was still hours (or sometimes days) away... 

Of course when one gives up or scales back the boozing one does not frequent the bars as much anymore... which out here in the lily white suburbs wasn't a real difficult thing to do due to the fact that most of the bars out here are shite... there's a halfway decent one up the street that due to the convoluted laws of the commonwealth can only serve beer, but they run the gamut from good beer to cheap swill so it's not bad... a burb over is the little Potomac Ave hub as i call it with a couple of decent joints including one that is a futbol bar on weekend mornings (though i haven't been there for the football) but for the most part if i want to go to a decent bar, one that aligns with my independent rock and roll sensibilities, it's still a ride into the city to my favorite dive... and so it is here that we will pick up the story... 

I'm not sure if i've mentioned it here at the lounge but one of my longest partners in crime is moving to Jersey, he's known as Uncle to the boyos and i've known him for over thirty years and we have raised much hell together in that time... it was in my favorite dive that he told me he was moving, a move to help his wife take care of her aging parents and the truth is i'd expect nothing less from my brother, he's as good as they come, in fact as we sat in the dive that day when he broke the news he admitted that i was the one person he felt the most nervous about telling, i didn't understand why but i also did, he knows me well and knows i don't suffer fools hence i don't really hangout with a ton of people, maybe  he felt guilty as if he was leaving me on my own but that's nonsense, i've always been on my own... he also knew that with him moving away that two of the three friends i consider my brothers were going to be living in different cities... i smiled when he told me and said, c'est la vie, bought another round, then quoted the brilliant Dan Bejar and said, all good things must come to an end, it's the bad ones that go on forever...

And so one day while the I-mac was doing a bit of community service over the holidays for a bit of legal trouble he ran into the first week of his freshman year at university, i dropped him off downtown and wondered what to do when it struck me that the boozer was a scant ten minute or less drive up the road, it was early and it would be mellow and i figured i'd get some of those Old Bay and butter wings that are tantamount to the food of the gods... and so i drove up Liberty Ave then up Herron) parked and wandered in, only to see a woman i knew (i had just recently met her and  her husband) and her friend... i ordered a beer pulled up a seat and stated i had roughly two hours to burn... 

The woman i knew is a stand up bass player with long dreads, her husband plays in a local band that has been around a long time with 13? records to it's credit though i believe he joined a few years back, her friend was a teacher who was trying to figure out how to get her sorta live-in boyfriend to move out of her upstairs apartment so that she could promptly make him her ex-boyfriend... she was explaining how an old (male) friend had been visiting with her and that she finally told him that he should probably think about leaving before she threw him down and fucked him, i was laughing and stated that's exactly what she should have done... she was talking about how she had crawled into bed with him (clothed) one morning and how the thought had crossed her mind to just get down to business... i told her she should have jumped on top and that when her current boyfriend walked in due to all the "sounds of ecstasy" he heard she could have looked over her shoulder and told him to put on some coffee and start making them breakfast... she of course thought this was a brilliant idea to which i replied it was the two birds one stone thing... you (she) gets a quality lay while basically telling the live-in upstairs to get the fuck out, something she apparently has been doing for close to a year, i also stated she should have jokingly said to her friend, "put out or get out", a statement which brought more laughter to our party... she mentioned her therapist and i told her i could do the job for half the cost and stated i was like Winston Wolf, i solved problems... at this point i realized i was scoring points here and pondered offering my services in the realm of getting her boyfriend to leave, ie she could bang me while he made breakfast... 

The guy next to me had said something in the course of this and i looked over and commented back and we had a laugh, it was around this point that  one of the ladies made a comment about shite poetry to which i replied laughingly i was once a shite poet, the guy next to me chimed in that he was a poet though i thought he was taking the piss... turned out he actually was and was thinking about attending and possibly reading later that night... he and i struck up a conversation about writing, as us writing types are known to do, and thus began a swapping of stories, he was probably at least 25 years my junior but i'm not one of those that believes my age gives me any great insight or wisdom into anything other than i've lived a little, i mentioned my previous occupation and told a story or two about the world of slinging back before shit became legal, back before my new friend was likely even born or round thereabout and then we began talking about our fathers... 

It turned out we had both lost our father to cancer... though i did clarify that i actually lost mine to what was most likely a heart attack but that might actually have been a good thing seeing as how bile duct cancer doesn't actually kill one it more less makes them starve to death due to the fact they stop eating, i explained that in a strange way i'm glad my dad didn't suffer through that in the same way that for the first time since he passed i was glad he was gone (that being in relation to the orange shitgibbon being voted back into office by a population of fucking lemmings...) i then told my new friend, Patrick, how one of the last times i actually saw my father we were watching The Departed, i explained how i was going back and forth to Cleveland and getting things in order and helping my dad out, i was sitting with him in his new apartment in the assisted living facility, and how my father and i had had a history of watching great movies together, when i came in and sat down my dad had asked if i had ever seen this flick before and i replied, absolutely, great film and i sat down and began watching with him... it was towards the end of the film when i looked over at my dad and said, this is a pretty bleak flick to watch for a guy with terminal cancer... i grinned as i told Patrick that my father looked back at me, smile creeping across his face and said... isn't though? to which we both started laughing, one of those good belly laughs... (i had always loved when my dad laughed, he was a pretty mellow guy, stoic one might say but when he laughed it was great... i remember one day a year or two ago when Disaster had said something that cracked me up and he looked at me and said, i like when you laugh dad... i knew exactly what he meant... fucking universe is a funny place...) 

Patrick then told me a story... it seemed that while he was in college he was having a bit of a time, probably much like i did as well, we sensitive sorts seem to have to battle a lot of demons and hopefully come out the other side... or at least keep them at bay most of the time... his parents had made him go see a therapist, this was near Philly, and said therapist was late, they were near a six lane highway when Patrick looked at his father and told him he could sense things, his dad asked what he meant and Patrick replied, like i could sprint across that highway and not get hit by a car cuz i know, his father gave him a look and then Patrick took off... he sprinted from one side to the other and on his way back, the last lane, narrowly avoided being hit by a semi-truck, and 18 wheeler as they say, he said it was close enough that he could feel the wind as it roared past... his father fainted.... we both had a laugh and i did say that now having sons of my own i have been both Patrick and his father, and it was interesting being able to see it from both sides... i did add it's much better from the non-father side as the last thing any parent wants to see is something happen to their kid (or most parents at least...) 

He then told me how he had went home to see his father when he was ill, pancreatic cancer, a fucking horror, a painful a form of cancer as one can get... Patrick had told me how when his dad was young they called him Capt. Trips cuz he liked psychedelics so much to which i laughed and said your dad and i could relate, briefly explained my own love of psychedelics to which he laughed and asked, you still take them? and to which i replied, every chance i get... and so Capt. Trips looked at his son and asked if he would like to go out back and smoke a joint, Patrick said of course, and off they went... out back they burned the joint and Patrick said his dad began talking about all kinds of things, about the trees and the sky and life, Patrick said it was gorgeous, just a father and son having a great conversation... his dad then said they should take a walk... now unbeknownst to Patrick his father was not supposed to leave the yard, apparently he was sicker than he had let on but Patrick didn't know and so they began walking, on a path through a bit of woods that would eventually lead to his older brother's house, talking the whole time... they were almost to the house when his phone started ringing and so Patrick checked and it was his mom, he answered and she frantically asked where the hell they were? that his dad wasn't supposed to leave the yard or do anything to taxing, he had the phone on speaker and his dad grabbed it from his hand and smiling at his son began telling his wife it was all his kid's idea and that he didn't want to go... then he started laughing hysterically and told his wife not to worry... she said she'd be right over to pick him up and drive him home... 

Of course Patrick now looked at his father and asked why didn't he tell him? his old man smiled and said, what's the difference? i wanted to take a walk... they sat on his brother's porch and waited for his mom to arrive to take them back to the house, his brother lived on a main street, somewhat busy and when his mom pulled up they walked towards the car when his dad suddenly stopped and looked at him... he then said, you know what son, i know things... and then began to bolt across the busy street, his dad took two or three strides then stopped, turned to look at his son's pale and horrified face and then laughed out loud and said, gotcha!!! Patrick smiled knowing it was a reference to a few years before and the highway incident... they got in the car and drove home the whole time his mom going on about what the hell were you two doing and the whole time his dad catching his son's eye and grinning... a week later he would be gone... i looked at Patrick and said, damn  dude... can i give you a hug? that was one of the most beautiful stories i've ever heard... and so much like Wayne Coyne gave me i gave my young friend a hug and we toasted to our fathers... 

We sat back down at the bar and i said that's the beauty of this shit innit? your father knew... that was his way of saying goodbye, a joint, a walk, a two hour conversation with his youngest son, how fucking beautiful is that? it was then that he asked if he could read me something... he explained how his brother was nine years older, a bit of an alcoholic, and used to beat the shit out of him when he was younger (until one day Patrick turned the tables, the last time his brother ever tried), i could tell there was some shit in this kid's life, the truth is we all have it it's how well we walk through those fires.. i understand how unnerving it can be to read something to someone, especially someone sitting in a bar, i also understand the "rapport" that can develop between not only writers but kindred spirits, he trusted me to listen... and so i said go ahead... he said it was sorta long but that he'd get to it cuz he knew i had to pick up the boyo, explained it was about his family and growing up... and so he began... 

I sat on my barstool and listened attentively... it was a good poem, it had quality, and i could tell it was deeply personal, that there were demons in there being exorcised, there was one line in particular about the "a household of glorified monsters", it hit home... in ways both past and present, my father wasn't one of those monsters but there were others in my household that were, in fact all these years later i realize now that my father was far more sensitive than he ever let on, but he was a product of his generation and men back then didn't show much emotion, it was considered weakness, i understood that the first time i ever saw it was that day when i wandered into the basement right before the "announcement", it registered but it didn't, but somehow i still remember it, it was pure hurt... but what that line also reminded me was that i did not want to be one of those "glorified monsters"... and sometimes i'm not sure if i can say i've succeeded on that front... and it's a hard fucking pill to swallow... 

When he had finished i looked at my new young friend and said, do me a favor... get your ass to that reading tonight, get up there, and read your stuff... the world will be better off for it, there's nothing wrong with having something to say or stories to tell, it's the most basic of human conditions, we've been telling stories to each other since we developed language, yeah it's nerve wracking but you'll feel good about shit when you're done, and when someone walks up to you and tells you that something you read hit home all those hours spent huddled over a keyboard or notebook make just a little more sense... but now i gotta pick up the boy... i got up and Patrick stood up and gave me another hug, he said thanks man, it was great talking to you, in fact it was more than that... i smiled and said likewise my friend now get to that reading... i said my goodbyes to the women and i knew, to her husband who had since come in, we laughed about the boyo and then i walked out into the cold December night, looked around the old stomping grounds, got in the car and then headed off to pick up the boy... it wasn't even 8pm.... the bar is a beautiful place... 

1 comment:

looby said...

Ah... you're dead right there, there's no place like a decent pub/bar to hear the best stories -- places where people get off their fucking phones and computers for the evening and rediscover the oldest human art of conversation. There';s something quite liberating being in the company of strangers like that. Glad your friend survived the chose encounter of a wheeled kind though!