Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tis the Season Vol. 2 Song 1 My Curse- The Afghan Whigs

If Greg Dulli is God than the album Gentleman is his son and if the album is his son than this song is the gospel as told by said son, in the Kono cannon of records Gentleman holds a holy and exalted place, i fucking love it, it's caustic and bitter and angry and hopeful and in love, it reminds of those intense relationships that burn so fucking hot that they have no choice but the rip apart and explode and though they usually don't end pretty when it's all said and done the two parties stand back from each other with a respect and admiration, with that knowing that they both took each other further, that they pushed their boundaries, that they are both better off than when they started, that the ultimate pain and pleasure are inextricably inter-twined and you won't get one without the other, it couldn't happen if they both weren't there...It's why people will sometimes fall headlong into situations that they know will be painful and beautiful, it's that fucking rush, that fucking rush is better than any drug you can find and it's why perfectly sane people will sometimes take that leap...

and this song? fuck me, if you don't get goosebumps or tingle you must be dead, it's pure raw emotion, it's revenge, regret and remembering, it's smiling at each other from across the room before tearing each other's clothes off one last time and fucking, and please understand me that when i say that i mean the most beautiful kind of fucking, the kind that even the walls are dripping wet from the amount of lust and passion and knowledge that this is the end, absolutely beautiful, i wish everyone could experience it, i'm glad i have, it was written by Dulli after a bad break-up and he very rarely sang it himself, this is the girl who sang it on the album, Marcy Mays from the band Scrawl (another Ohio band), it blows my doors off every time, she fucking nails it, brilliant... see what happens when i write stoned?

...or maybe it's just a sweet song that reminds me of my youth.


daisyfae said...

everyone needs that thing. at least once in a lifetime. probably couldn't handle it more than once.

sybil law said...

That crazed sex with hate and love and lust is a great experience, indeed.
Song rocks, as obviously you know.

zeb.luque said...

Great explanation man. I've always sensed that there was some sort of unhealthy relation ship in the song, Adult - kid or something around that.