Gulfboot once said that the reason he quit the blogosphere was that he was tired of screaming into the void, of course i understand him, seems the longer i go the less of an audience i have, problem is i never set out to have an audience, i figured i could just write Gulfboot emails and he could save them and be my Max Brod, publish all my fucking brilliance once i had moved on to the next world but he set this thing up and now i have to finish it, whenever that may be, so fuck it, i will press on with my little stories and rants and missives cuz if i don't i'll end up doing more drugs than i already do or become one of those suburban dads who wear Hawaiian shirts and get tipsy off two glasses of shitty red, for the few of you who still stop by here on a regular basis i give a heartfelt thanks, as i said i understand what Gulfboot was talking about cuz Toxic Monday was some of the best writing i've read period and should have been making him more dosh than all the shit mommy bloggers combined, me? i'm a special case, i spent so many years talking my way into the beds of females all while pretending to be a writer that now that i actually resemble one at times i don't give a fuck what anyone thinks, i have this sense of self belief, a horse and a vendetta against windmills, moped gangs, MFA's and bad writing (a redundancy) that i'm gonna sit out here in the quiet with my crickets and groundhogs and bang away whether anyone likes it or not, it fucking entertains me, and really that's all i give a shit about, so there it is kids, that was damn near a pep-talk now wasn't it, now it's back to my crickets and groundhogs.
Good. Keep on typing, friend.
i hope you don't quit. i'd have to get nasty with you. hope it keeps giving you something you need.
and yeah. i can totally back that shit up...
See, you've already got some new material out there in the burbs. ;)
I have always said....if these walls could talk, they'd tell me to shut the fuck up. So I did.
I hope you're deaf.
Say what you mean! :¬)
I am so glad you're going to continue. You need to. Well, I need you to. :)
Everyone tries to hid behind that "I only do it for myself" horseshit at first but the truth is that we ALL want an audience. I can't stand the fact that I have so few readers but do it anyway because I need the eggs. I won't advise you to write on and get over wanting an audience because it's something that I, myself, have been unable to do.
UB- To find an audience you must market yourself and frankly i'm not fucking into that when it comes to the blogosphere, is it perplexing to see boring and bad writing with a huge following, i guess yes but it's basically the same as looking at the best seller list, when i say i didn't set out to have an audience i meant it, there's nothing wrong with a bit of critical response or uncritical for that matter, the strange thing is that when i post stories and the like there's not much action but if i bitch and moan, bam, hits galore, it's a sad commentary i believe, nonetheless when/if i write that book i'll market myself like a two dollar whore to the pimps (ie-agents & publishers), the lounge really is nothing more than a way to keep me from fist fighting my neighbors and drinking on my couch.
The internet is a fickle place. My stats go up and down but I keep writing and researching because it's still fun
My cat likes when I read your stories aloud to him.
I feel the exact same way about that - bitching and moaning gets me comments and attention, while the things I cultivated are ignored. Unsurprising, really. Your life's work is never what defines you.
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