First you must rid the house of all occupants except the cats, if you own a dog it must go too, second line up these three records: 13 Songs by Fugazi, Who's Got the 10 1/2 by Black Flag and if needed The Roir Sessions by Bad Brains. Commence cleaning and dancing, sometimes you need to imitate Guy Piccioto, sometimes Henry Rollins, sometimes HR. At other times you'll need to perfect that Long Beach strut, you'll sweat, you'll sing, you'll jump up and down scream Myyyyyyyy Waaaaaaaar but in the end your gaff will be fucking spotless. This post brought to you by my general laziness and weakness for drugs.
You have clearly been watching me clean.
you can work on the immigrant storage room in my basement if you're still looking for something to clean...
Madonna's 'Ray Of Light'.
do me....er....clean my house next. *grin*
Now I know why I was so angry today while I was cleaning the house; I had forgotten to put Fugazi on. Or actually any music at all. I was ready to kill the next cat or husband that crossed my recently mopped path. What's wrong with me, cleaning with no music?
Sybil- Yes i have but you look much better in the French Maid outfit than i do, i tend to just freak out the mailman.
Daisy- You've got immigrant storage?
Gulfboot- the image is burned in my memory forever.
Twin- nudge nudge wink wink say no more.
Blues- no rockin' out, no cleanin', just how it works.
I use Nine Inch Nails ;-)
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