So in an attempt to track what i've read this year i've tried to keep a list, i like reading almost as much as i like sleeping and drinking and eating big pharma for dinner, of course being somewhat of an idiot i don't read particularly fast and i like to absorb and enjoy my books and if i really like a book it takes me even longer cuz i stop and re-read and daydream and stare off into space thinking about shit, so in no order and without any recommendations, unless of course one would like to know, here's the list...
City of Thieves- David Benioff, When the Nines Roll Over- David Benioff, Dirty Snow- Georges Simenon, The Man Who Watched Trains Go By- Georges Simenon, Three Crimes- Georges Simenon, Monsieur Monde Vanishes- Georges Simenon, Hangover Square- Patrick Hamilton, 20,000 Streets Under the Stars- Patrick Hamilton, Slaves of Solitude- Patrick Hamilton, Entrapment- Nelson Algren, Hard Rain Falling- Don Carpenter, Assorted Fire Events- David Means, 2666- Roberto Bolano, Monsieur Pain- Roberto Bolano, Crime- Irvine Welsh, The Ask- Sam Lipsyte, Normance- Louis Ferdinand Celine, Inherent Vice- Thomas Pynchon, Portions from a Wine-Stained Notebook- Charles Bukowski, and currently reading Wolf Among Wolves by Hans Fallada. We'll see how the second half of the year goes and i do really hope to get back on track with the Wilderness Years in the near future.
that's a far longer list than i've accumulated, and i'm a fast reader. just lazy.
seems you find an author you like, then read everything he's written, at least until you find another author. i do that. well, i used to. when i read more...
I don't necessarily read one author straight through but have been known to do that, it's that old Joseph Campbell thing where if you like something you should read as much as possible but i vary it up, find their influences, look into them, some of the multiples were new finds where guys like Celine and Buk and Pynchon are old stand-bys.
I've read some Simenon and Bukowski of course. Pynchon I gave up on half way through Gravity's Rainbow. Is Inherent Vice an easier read?
I'm going on this lame, ridiculous, bullshit, amazingly awful fantasy kick right now. And I'm obsessed.
I could never share my list out loud. 3 x adventure bollocks to 1 x serious literature. *sigh* Candy for the brain.
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