That gospel is about the dollar, peso, dinar, pound, mark, euro etal and about what the conglomeration of shitbags push on us so that the world doesn't go belly up, amazing how the world survived all these years without the captains of industry telling us what's good for us, now of course i know there have always been have and have-nots it's just that never before have the have-nots been asked to prop up the haves while so blatantly taking it in the ass, in earlier more primitive times you helped the king so that he could live a lavish lifestyle and wouldn't kill you now you prop up the king so he can live a lavish lifestyle because the new kings think they are entitled to it, brilliant gig if you can get it but from what i've heard they have large bouncers at the door who don't take kindly to strangers unless of course you show up in a private jet tossing money in the air...
now to steal a bit from Mr. Orwell, the new religion has priests - i.e. the wealthy capitan's of industry and the flock, meaning the rest of us and while the priests are allowed to act like irresponsible muppets the rest of us must be pious and faithful to their good words, the priests can drink and fuck and rape and pillage all in the name of the lord dollar while the rest of us must consume yet save while keeping our eyes down and our hands folded, of course these priests resemble a certain bunch of cats hanging out in the gilded palace's of Rome but let's not be stupid, Religion in and of itself is big business and doesn't matter what interpretation of whatever book they use the end is basically to live very high on a fat hog and of course now that the captains have completely fucked us all they look to the flock to bail them out, they look at the flock with the reproachful, arrogant look of how could this happen and then they hand us the money plate and say give, beautiful.
I'm a bit more inclined to say fuck you and give money to the dealer, the bookie or the stripper, at least then i know what i'm getting and in the vein of one George Comstock i give a large flying V to the captain's of industry and the shit they try to push on me, of course i'm not going all hippy, i still need to eat and am to lazy to grow my own food and i don't know how to brew my own booze so even though i try to break the chains of commerce i'll still always be somewhat caught in it's sticky web, what i'm not doing is listening to the fucking bastards and if they tell me to do something i will do exactly the opposite, those that know me will of course laugh and say how is that any different than yesterday and i would most likely shrug and mention that we should skin up, i will still give my money to writers, artists and musicians but that's only because i like those types, at least from afar in person they tend to get on my tits a bit and in the meantime i will wander the streets drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, gaze on sunsets and unseen vistas and generally entertain myself with what i've always been best at, mainly doing nothing.
Rod Stewart probably sang the most popular version of 'Reason To Believe'. Although I would have thought you would have been all about the Jayhawks version.
I'm not aware of New Jersey's Bruce Springfellow ever doing it.
If that is what you were talking about?
Springsteen does do it or a song called that, off Nebraska i believe.
You hope you know what you're getting, anyways, as long as they don't cut the shit with baking powder.
So he does. I have that LP too.
LP? what is this LP of which you speak?
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