What i love about the argument is that it will never end, the order of the universe had to be made by someone but what if it wasn't, there are so many people who can't grasp that, and if it was who's to say SHE had anything to do with the texts we've been reading for the last thousands of years, i mean religion has always been a money-making scam and people have always wanted to make money, there's a new church starting up every day and some "masses" are held in arena's, i know when i want to get with my chosen deity i prefer to do it in a room with 20,000 others and i believe this may be an American phenomenon which should tell us all something... mainly that this place is fucked in the head, shit i've often thought of opening my own little church, 100 donations at an average of $10 a pop and that's a nice 52G a year, most of it easily sheltered from our friends at the IRS, good racket if you can get it, my sermons would all be based on the back of cold cereal boxes, the lyrics of Pavement and bad poetry written under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, i would also write my own songs and the house band would kick ass, preferably with a horn section, like The Band on Rock of Ages or something...
Basically it's down to this, i was reading about this little war between Oregon surfers and thought about it more than someone who has nothing to do with it should, i surfed along time ago, i surfed badly but i learned the rules and like most rules they served some purpose but in the end were bullshit cuz it's pretty much common sense, much like the pissing contests that go on among religions, even in different factions of religions... as long as you don't throw a punch or shoot at me i don't care what you believe in: the wave, Allah, Buddha, Cap-n-Crunch, Casper the friendly ghost, Jesus, Jehovah, the Smith cat in Utah with a bunch of wives, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Modern Lovers, chicken bones, Jah whatever, being the closet Buddhist/existentialist i prefer to just be and be kind to people, not that i'm a saint, far from it, i've been in bar fights, a shithead to significant others, punched friends, have/had bad habits, like booze, strip joints, casinos, all-u-can eat crab leg buffets, but i'm trying real hard ya know Ringo...
why just cold cereal? whaddya have against porridge :-)
Where do I sign up. I'm tired and need something to believe in.
I sat in the water last night...freezing my ass off for a few mediocre waves (at best)....
....a few smiles were thrown. No punches. As it should be.
ps...for some reason your writing reminds me of why I did my thesis on Chomsky. Not sure if that's a good thing...or bad. Just a 'huh...' moment.
thanks nm, i'm gonna take that as a compliment, be my humble blog thought provoking, entertaining or annoying to be compared to old Norm can't be all that bad. I've never read much of his social/cultural/political stuff and first heard of him in a grad. school linguistics course but i do know he get's people thinking/arguing and that can't be all bad, though Writer recently posted that thinking is over-rated, hmmm. Here's hoping the sets get better out in the PNW.
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